(19 results)
Life as the church - Book of 1Timothy
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 47 views • 1:11:49
Church Conduct Life as the body of Christ, the church we have a manner in which we should conduct ourselves. This morning we are looking at apostasy, it was real then, and it is real today just as prophesy projected. Paul’s concern about conduct ( 1Tim3:15 ) 15 But if I am delayed, I am writing in order…
Serving as the church - 2 Timothy
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 44 views • 1:04:44
To prepare, to equip The Christian has many tools provided to them to prepare them and to equip them for the works of service. This morning we are looking at one of the greatest tools, the scripture, all scripture. Elders in Ephesus were prepared through the word of God’s grace (Act20:28-32) It is always…
Apostolic Defense: Book of 2nd Corinthians
James Rogers • Sermon • • 28 views • 42:04
Father knows Best For the most part, most people when they were young, children at least looked up to their father. Paul is spiritual father to those in Corinth and draws on that today. (ref: 1Cor4:14-21) There is a problem with Corinth, they were being told by the Judiazers, and even the “super apostles”…
Apostolic Defense: Book of 2nd Corinthians
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 18 views • 40:49
A demonstration of faith and life Does your life demonstrate your faith? Does your life reveal your heart and your love? Paul’s does and even when it is hard words it is said and done in love. I think that we have seen as we have studied these letters (epistles) to the Corinthians that Paul found it…
More please! Series
James Rogers • Sermon • • 157 views • 45:08
Powerful Word! The word is living, powerful and sharp (Heb4:12); it is Go breathed and is profitable and equipping (2Tim3:16-17). So, we are simply Christians studying God’s Word together. Today we are looking at the ministry of the Word in the heart of the believer, and helps us to grow to the fulness…
Minor Prophets Survey Series
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 34 views • 40:12
Oracles Sermons, Visions Our Country Prophet, Amos. A shepherd and a gatherer of sycamore fruit (Amo7:14-15). God’s unlikely prophet to proclaim judgment on many nations and on God’s people, especially Israel (Northern Kingdom) A few reminders before returning to the survey. The sections of the book:…
1 Corinthians
Jon Winkelman • Grace Church of Lockeford • Sermon • • 2,748 views • 40:23
Introduction I love ancient civilizations and so from time to time I will look at pictures and read articles about them. It is incredible to me that right now buildings exist that were constructed in ancient times. For example, the isle of Malta is home to temples believed to be several thousand years…
Jesus coming for His Church
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 220 views • 32:08
Purpose Purpose: (n) - the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. (v) - have as one's intention or objective. Purpose, there is a purpose, plan and provision for church discipline. Though uncomfortable to talk about, uncomfortable to hear, the church at Thessalonica…
Proverbs - Walking In Wisdom
Phil Anderson • Bethel Church of Tallmadge • Sermon • • 9 views • 45:50
Matthew 2019-2020
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 135 views • 1:15:56
We excercise judgement about many things every day. Jesus asks us to be wise in judgement and not to simply judge the outside or cursory things. We need wisdom and we need to be asking, seeking, and knocking that we might know how to treat others the way we want to be treated. It is possible to be decieved and so good judgement is of vital importance seeing that Jesus' way is narrow and there are few who find it. LORD, give us wisdom. Help us to be merciful to others. Help us to love each other enough to hold each other accountable with mercy and grace and love. Recorded at Refuge TLH on Sunday, August 5, 2019.
Ethan Custer • Sermon • • 9 views
The Old Testament is a fascinating book to study. It requires study because there are usually many degrees of separation between the accounts contained, and the reader. We usually read of people that lived in a different time than the penman, and usually a different place and culture as well. The penman…
Words to Live By
Josh Clink • Sermon • • 13 views
It takes discernment to know when not to speak.
Dave Peters • Sermon • • 7 views
Something doesn’t have to be your fault to be your commission and call. “We don’t have to feel obedient to be obedient, that’s not obedience” Jackie Hill Perry
Mitch Marlowe • Sermon • • 14 views
Introduction Our second week into studying this letter to the Churches of Galatia might make you uncomfortable. It is not a very “feel good” passage of scripture. I am reminded that we every passage the does not help us feel good is ultimately calling something to our attention so that we can feel good…
Becoming Faithful Servants
Pastor C. H. Jr. • Sermon • • 13 views
Faithful Servants Humbly Watch Their Walk
Faith that Works - a Journey through James
Jackie Watts • Sermon • • 48 views • 48:40
As we complete our Journey through James, we are reminded of those who no longer walk with Jesus. So….NOW WHAT? Do we sit back & write them off as a lost cause OR do we go back in to rescue & restore those who have wandered off?
Jeff Griffis • Branson Bible Church • Sermon • • 4 views
PRAY & INTRO: Do Christians have to change their behavior when they come to faith in Christ? - Must a soldier learn to behave like a soldier? Must a citizen of a new kingdom learn to behave like a faithful citizen? Must an adopted child learn to behave according to what represents that family well? Must…
Psalm 110
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 25 views
Psalm 110 part 2 Now I want no cheating! No peeking! Who can tell me what the verse on the front of the bulletin is? See, we hand them out, now I am checking whether you read them?! There it is: [P] [ Matthew 16:15 He said to them, “ But who do you say that I am ?” ] It is a very good question. Jesus…
How Church Is To Be Done
Jon Denney • Mt. Zion Baptist Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 39:02
In this passage, we find four appeals when offering correction.