(18 results)
Healing School
Eric R Ross • The Masters Hand Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 85 views • 53:43
Will You be Made Whole? This message uses examples from the Bible of types of healings. However, the main focus is more on the hindrances or opposition to healing. And, even more, the focus is on the thoughts, actions, and beliefs of the one that is healed. Our theme verse today is John 5:6 6 When Jesus…
Confirmed by Mighty Miracles
Aaron M Owens • Sermon • • 2 views
Jesus heals the paralytic man and forgives his sins prompting hate from the scribes
The Words and Works of Jesus
Steve Bowyer • Sermon • • 5 views
Has Beens & Never Wases It may be hard to believe, but I was an athlete once. I recently had a great phone convo w/ my old high school baseball coach. Small world. My coach, Jim Deckinger, his daughter was a few years behind me in school. I never met her. I had graduated high school before she got there.…
Lent 2024
Adam E. Hines • Sermon • • 4 views
Intro. Human tendency to be drawn - and when one person gets drawn, its like dominoes - everyone else falls. Why are we so desperate for a Jesus that heals? Because it reveals there is something in our hearts that we cannot fill. This Servant, whom many have not considered important at all, will actually…
The Gospel of Matthew: The King and His Kingdom
Kim Alexander • Sermon • • 0 views
Jesus heals the servant of the centurion soldier.
We Would See Jesus
Rob Laukoter • Sermon • • 5 views
Prayer Is It Worth It? Our next Capernaum club is Saturday, October 22, and it’s going to be a costume club. I got a message from one of the mom’s of our Capernaum friends who was in a quandary - her son, Henry, who had gone to camp with us, wanted to dress as what he called a “beach boy” from camp.…
The Son: Meeting Jesus through Luke
Chad Wilham • Sermon • • 22 views
Introduction: Have you ever been in a room or at an event where the air just seems super charged with excitement and energy as if everyone there just knows something amazing is going to take place? That is the feeling that the beginning of our text in vs.17 gives us today. Mark in his account of this…
NL Year 2
Rev. Brian Weinberger • Sermon • • 122 views
To start off today’s sermon I thought I would play several rounds of “Would you Rather” to get our mental juicing flowing. Now the way the game is played is that you have to decide without giving it too much thought, which of the two scenarios I read together that you would rather do. It’s a fun game…
The Crown & The Cross
Mark Massaro • First Baptist Church - Dunkirk NY • Sermon • • 22 views
Jesus solves paralytic man's greatest need: forgiveness and to be right with God.
Choice, Sheila • Sermon • • 4 views
That salvation is by grace alone, through faith aone, for the forgiveness of sins.
John Bible Study
Randy Johovich • Sermon • • 15 views
Jesus Healing Paralytic on the Sabbath
Door het markus evangelie
Peter Hazenoot • Sermon • • 12 views
De mens ziet aan wat voor ogen is Je zult het maar meemaken! Een bezoek aan Jezus’ huis. Nou ja, hij was thuis, maar of het Zijn huis was is nog maar de vraag. Hij had het zelf gezegd: Vossen hebben holen en vogels nesten, maar de Zoon des mensen heeft geen plaats om Zijn hoofd neer te leggen. ( ) Wellicht…
Mark: 2024
Will Livingston • Sermon • • 1 view
The Gospel of Mark, 2024 Mark 2:1-12 . ETS: Jesus proved his authority and ability to meet spiritual needs by meeting a physical need. ESS: We should trust Jesus’ authority to forgive and heal because he is God’s son. OSS: [Evangelistic] {I want the hearers to trust Jesus’ ability to heal them of their…
When Jesus Comes to Town
Robert C. Beckman Jr. • Sermon • • 11 views
Start Start Entice: We have experiences with holes in the roof don’t we? It is shocking when damage and the elements open and then expand a hole; it can get expensive and annoying. Particularly when there is difficulty in getting and keeping them closed. And here is a story featuring a hole in a roof-not…
Benjamin Ling/Crossroads Christian Church • Crossroads Christian Church • Sermon • • 35 views
Jesus healed the parlytic who believed, but the paralytic had to get up and walk. God can help us, but we must get up and do something.
Follow Me
Ron Crum • New Family Assembly of God • Sermon • • 83 views
How far are you willing to go to save a lost soul?