(4 results)
1 Samuel
Paul Redding • Northwood Community Bible Church • Sermon • • 166 views • 44:15
Read- 1 Sam 5:1-12 God Is Not a Good Luck Charm The people used God’s presence as a talisman in their fight Ark was regarded as a “god” by the Philistines When the ark was taken, the fear was that God’s glory had left them! The Defeat of Dagon You cannot equivocate God with any other “god” 5 I am the…
Tim A. Reger • Sermon • • 1 view
Introduction Today we are continuing in our study in the book of 1 Samuel. If you were with us last week we saw Israel fighting with their old arch enemy, the Philistines. We say that they lost 4,000 men in the first round, so they brought the Ark of the Lord God to the battle, treating it like a magical…
1 Samuel
Cole Hughes • Sermon • • 16 views
intro They take the Ark of God into battle… They weren’t supposed to Hophni and Phineas were there. They lose it. They Philistines take it and this is what happens. When the Philistines captured the ark of God, they brought it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. Then the Philistines took the ark of God and brought…