(3 results)
Richard Milbrandt • Sermon • • 7 views
Jesus healed the deaf and mute man and He does all things well still today.
The Crown & The Cross
Mark Massaro • First Baptist Church - Dunkirk NY • Sermon • • 5 views
Intro How many came into church this morning and no one noticed you or spoke to you? I think we have a very friendly and inviting church. If you want to slip in unnoticed and avoid people, it’s going to be pretty difficult. We want everyone to feel welcome and wanted here. Have you ever had that experience…
The Gospel of Mark
Eric • Sermon • • 8 views
Let’s start by reading our text. So the best way to see the significance is to zoom out. Way out. Studying this text without placing it within the overall storyline of the Bible is like walking into a movie, watching for 5 minutes, and walking out. The truth is that this text points us backwards to creation…