(14 results)
George Toews • Sermon • • 349 views
Deuteronomy 1 Introduction -think back over the year some years - as expected some - "who would have thought" can't predict the coming yar any fears, apprehensions? -New Year's resolutions something God wants you to do? - lifestyle change, obedience, new challenge? any fears or apprehensions? Help!?…
George Toews • Sermon • • 74 views
Deuteronomy 7 Introduction Jonathan used to have a shirt with a picture of a bunch of mean looking fish swimming in one direction and a "Christian fish" swimming in the other direction. The caption on the shirt was, "go against the flow." As Christians, we do not go along with everything that happens…
George Toews • Sermon • • 10 views
Deuteronomy 6 Introduction Today is Saint Valentine's Day. Have you ever wondered where this celebration come from? It is somewhat obscure, but it seems that it has its roots in a Roman festival of love. As with so many of our celebrations, the church changed its meaning to a celebration of romance and…
George Toews • Sermon • • 14 views
Deuteronomy:12-26 Introduction What machinery do you think of when you see this color of metal? The distinguishing feature of John Deere is this particular shade of green. What brand name do you think of when you see this symbol? The distinguishing feature of Nike is the swoosh. What city do you think…
George Toews • Sermon • • 17 views
Deuteronomy 12-13 Introduction Several weeks ago, at the conference, we were listening to the reports as we always do at conferences. It was the turn of MB Communications and Dave Balzer got up and said, "I am going to lead you in worship." I thought, "we are going to have a few songs now or a scripture…
George Toews • Sermon • • 15 views
Deuteronomy 31-34 Introduction Several weeks ago at the wedding, we as parents of the bride had the privilege of saying a few words to our daughter and son-in-law at the reception. When you write such a speech, you think about some of the important things that you want to say to them in this time of…
George Toews • Sermon • • 9 views
Deuteronomy 4:1-40 Introduction I have a beautifully wrapped gift here. Whoever would like to come up here can open it.... It is kind of disappointing to open such a beautiful gift and find nothing inside isn't it? I understand that some of you got envelopes in your mailboxes last Sunday that were empty.…
George Toews • Sermon • • 217 views
Deuteronomy 9-11 Part 1 Introduction The summer after my first year of Bible school I worked for a company that installed windows. I got the job not because I had experience or a proven track record or because I was known to be a good worker, but because my dad was a friend of the owner of the company.…
George Toews • Sermon • • 53 views
Deuteronomy 8:1-20 Introduction Evreyone wants to succeed and prosper. Every one who is farming would like to have low input costs and high prices for grain. Everyone who plays a sport would like to win. Everyone would like to be able to purchase a new vehicle as soon as the old one is off warranty.…
George Toews • Sermon • • 10 views
Deuteronomy 8:13; 31:9-13; 32:44-47 Introduction I was talking to Allan about how he repairs combines and other machinery and he told me that sometimes, he has to consult the manual to find parts and to know exactly how things are put together. Last week, Ivan told me that they were using a drug on his…
George Toews • Sermon • • 20 views
Deuteronomy 5:1-33 Introduction I saw on the news a while back that in one Ontario town they have plywood policemen. They cut out a picture of a life sized policeman holding up a radar gun and place the figure on a busy street. From a distance, people can't tell that it is not a real policeman and they…
George Toews • Sermon • • 115 views
Deuteronomy 27-30 Introduction We make choices every day. What to eat, what to wear, how to do a task. When we make choices, do we ever change our mind? Telephone carriers frequently call us enticing us to change our mind about who is our long distance carrier. If we changed our mind every time we received…
George Toews • Sermon • • 11 views
Deuteronomy 14:22-15:23 Introduction In the book, Believers in Business, Laura L. Nash identifies some of the tensions which occur for Christians who are trying to compete in the secular world of business. She talks about the tension between "The love for God vs. the pursuit of profit." For example,…
George Toews • Sermon • • 14 views
Deuteronomy 13:1-5; 18:14-22 Introduction One of the reasons that I enjoy flying is that you get a much better perspective on things than you do from earth. I watch the cars drive along and I can see far ahead of them. Imagine what it would be like if we had a screen in our cars that would give us an…