(4 results)

Lee Corpier • Salem UMC - Springtown, PA • Sermon • • 43 views • 37:32
The church had its first internal dispute. The beginnings of the church sounds idyllic They met together frequently for encouragement. They made sure that everyone was taken care of. They shared everything common. They had their first dispute. Taking care of the widows and orphans was mandated by the…
Missio Dei
Maiko Müller • Sermon • • 6 views
Zusammenfassung: Barmherzigkeit ist ein so wesentliches Merkmal des Christseins, dass es als Test für wahren Glauben herangezogen werden kann. Barmherzigkeit ist nicht optional oder ein Zusatz zum Christsein. Vielmehr sind die Taten der Barmherzigkeit das größte Zeichen wahren Glaubens. - Timothy Keller…
Service First!
T. L. Brown • Sermon • • 9 views
I. The Initiation of Deacons A. The New Testament “Deacons” were first called to an ACTION not an OFFICE! B. The New Testament “Deacons’” roles were SERVICE oriented not SUPERVISORY oriented! C. The New Testament “Deacons’” were both MALE and FEMALE! 1. There are two views of Deaconess’ in the Church:…
Church God's Way
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 12 views
Christ has called us to serve. Therefore, all members of the church must serve.