
(9 results)
Difference Maker | Week 2: The Local Church
Difference Maker | Week 2: The Local Church
Difference Maker
Aaron Little  •  Byers Assembly  •  Sermon  •    •  13 views  •  53:11
Love Makes the Difference
Love Makes the Difference
Jeff Hopson  •  Fellowship Baptist Church  •  Sermon  •    •  142 views  •  44:51
Which Is Better: The Internet Or The Church
We Can Change The World
We Can Change The World
Making A Difference
Pastor David Kelley  •  Hill City Church  •  Sermon  •    •  36 views  •  44:16
"The Difference Between Stumbling Blocks and Stepping Stones is How You Use Them."
Andy Grenier  •  First Baptist Church  •  Sermon  •    •  10 views  •  32:54
Questions Concerning Spiritual Gifts - Contrasting Tongues and Prophecy
How to make a difference
How to make a difference
Why Jesus
Pastor Toney Hill  •  Bayshore Community Church  •  Sermon  •    •  14 views  •  49:50
Understanding God's Plan Part 5 - Defining My Life Mission
Dare To Be Different - 2
Dare To Be Different - 2
Howard McCray  •  Sermon  •    •  2,333 views