(4 results)
Discovering the Church
Barry G. Johnson, Sr. • Brookfield Church of Christ • Sermon • • 456 views • 49:45
Deceit is condemned by God as an attempt to deny his sovereignty and his revelation of himself.
Discovering the Church
Barry G. Johnson, Sr. • Brookfield Church of Christ • Sermon • • 258 views • 41:10
Those entrusted with the task of preaching must ensure that their lives are in line with their message. They
must be of good character and conduct, be consistent in all they teach and do and be accountable to others.
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 7 views
Introduction. Most people aspire to have a title or degree: doctor, CPA, engineer, attorney, etc doctor,CPA,engineer,attorney,etc They want to be proud of carrying it, show it, have it next to their name..... - They want to be proud of carrying it, show it, have it next to their name..... They're willing…
Greed: Overcoming the Tendency To Love Stuff
T. Campbell • Growing Faith Fellowship • Sermon • • 37 views • 1:03:53