(29 results)

2023 March
Pastor Dave Collett • Sermon • • 53 views • 41:23
Challenged By Our Social Nature which means that we like to know who is in charge, or we like to be in charge. We like to know our rights and want to exercise our rights. The result is that, in all gatherings, social relationships don’t always go smoothly. There is one reality about the church that we…

Ray Casper • Bethel Baptist Church of Tillamook, OR • Sermon • • 92 views • 45:56
1. Case laws about theft, 22:1-4. In these first four verses we have a distinction between the book of the covenant between the LORD and Israel and the other ancient Near East laws. The Code of Hammurabi, Section 8, states that if a thief could not repay, or his theft was by breaking into the house,…

Shawn Grubb • Maranatha Bible Church • Sermon • • 124 views • 40:25
Scripture Reading: Introduction: What is a common denominator? A common multiple of the denominators of a number of fractions (Webster) A common trait or theme (Webster) James will give us here a single common denominator for two things. Transition: Context & Outline This fits into a reoccurring theme:…

Let your light shine
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 183 views • 39:26
Why do lights go dim? In this world there are things that want to turn your light down (dim your lights). In the midst of this crooked and perverse generation we need to be watchful that our lights do not grow dim. (expand on each of these below) Current lights today can be dimmed by hand We can be dimmed…

Life as the church - Book of 1 Timothy
James Rogers • Sermon • • 46 views • 1:11:02
Conduct One of the major purposes for the book of 1 Timothy is how are we to conduct ourselves as the church. So, as we start our study of the book beyond the introduction last week may we learn and apply. Purpose of book: To be a guide of conduct as the church , as the house of God (1Tim3:14-15) 14…

Lee Corpier • Salem UMC - Springtown, PA • Sermon • • 43 views • 37:32
The church had its first internal dispute. The beginnings of the church sounds idyllic They met together frequently for encouragement. They made sure that everyone was taken care of. They shared everything common. They had their first dispute. Taking care of the widows and orphans was mandated by the…

Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 483 views • 37:06
Broadly in this series of sermons we are talking about the need for patient endurance in our obedience. Last week I used the illustration of not only loosing weight, but keeping or maintaing that weight loss. After the sermon I was talking with a brother and he shared another good illustration of our…

Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 385 views • 39:01
How do we continually put on the mindset of Jesus? How do we grow in the area of sacrificial gospel ministry?

REAL peace
Mike Measley • EFBC - Evangelical Free Bible Church • Sermon • • 1,426 views • 44:23
Intro Last week we went to two Conferences Eastern District Conference EFCA Time of encouragement Looking at how we can do better as a church CCEF Conference Biblical Counseling I need to grow, spend time hearing from others who study God's word, and how it is applied to life. This year's conference…
Samuel Rogers • Sermon • • 3 views
[NOTE TO TEACHER] This focus of this lesson is on the fact that neither Paul or Barnabas seem to have the obviously right answer about what to do with Mark. Luke doesn’t give a judgement on who was right. While Paul’s concerns about Mark seem reasonable, Barnabas’ confidence in Mark later pays off as well (2 Tim 4:11). The goal of this lesson is to exhort people to allow for differences of opinion between them and other Christians on disputable matters when there isn’t one clear, right answer. Each of us answer to God, and God can and does bless multiple pathway
How should we live in the gray matters of life
Shawn Thrasher • Sermon • • 15 views
Learning how to navigate where the bible is silent or non-commital
State of the Church 2024
Daniel Shane Dismuke • Sermon • • 4 views
Why? A question that is necessary to determine the cause and continuation of an activity, direction, or pursuit. Y’all…we gather as First Baptist Church for a purpose: Our Vision: Love God Faithfully Love People Sacrificially Make Disciples Fervently Those words have meaning…for us as body we believe…
Acts of the Apostles
Marc Transparenti • Sermon • • 10 views
Paul's Second Missionary Journey begins and
Arthur Goncalves • Sermon • • 4 views
Sermon Title: “Welcoming One Another” Scripture: Romans 14:1-12 Occasion: The Lord’s Day Date: July 7, 2023 Scripture Transitions Sermon Title | Quotes | Emphasis| Illustration Ephesians 1:2 “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Introduction Good morning, friends and…
Homilies for Sundays in Ordinary Time B
Gerry Fraser • Sermon • • 9 views
Can we learn to handle differences and disputes as Jesus did?
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 280 views
En nuestra sesión anterior, vimos que el apóstol había comenzado a describir la primera causa del problema de división entre los creyentes corintios: No habían entendido bien el mensaje. Un mal entendimiento del mensaje. Les había dicho que el mensaje no procede de sabiduría humana y les recordó su condición:…
Acts of the Holy Spirit Through the Apostles
Jeff Griffis • Branson Bible Church • Sermon • • 7 views
PRAY & INTRO: The missionary success among the Gentiles leads to dispute within the Christian community because there are some Jewish believers who want to bring these Gentile converts to Christ under the Mosaic law. Disagreement from within threatens the Christian community. How should the church at…
Dear Church
Aaron Newell • Sermon • • 6 views
Kids these Days Remember when you were a kid and you thought that nothing could ever end you? Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. There are a couple of interesting words here and not the ones that you…
Daniel Shane Dismuke • Sermon • • 10 views
1 When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? 2 Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we are to judge…
Built on Jesus
Matthew Allen • Sermon • • 27 views
Introduction ➟ ➟ ➟ As we begin this morning, let’s take a brief moment to think of how God has blessed the spiritual family at Cornerstone. Think congregationally. The blessing of children and young families, which reminds us we have a strong future, we are full of life, excitement, and optimism. Think…
Embracing Hope by Eliminating Avoidable Errors
Robert C. Beckman Jr. • Sermon • • 10 views
Start Entice: One particular verse stands at the heart of 1 Corinthians and at the heart of Paul's argument in the book and to understand that verse we need to understand how Paul uses 1 term. In 1 Corinthians Paul uses the word "body' in at least 4 ways. My body. The specific corporeal entity which…
Austin A Wullschleger • Sermon • • 9 views
There is a story about a woman who was in an airport waiting to get boarded on her airplane. While she was waiting she went to one of the gift shops and bought a newspaper and a pack of cookies to enjoy while in the air. Afterwards as she is sitting down and getting comfortable for her flight a man sits…
What does the Bible Say About...
Ryan Smallwood • Sermon • • 7 views
Introduction Overview of this class What do we do when we disagree? Can we establish 1 basis? The Bible. There are 2 kinds of disagreements (at least), Personal & Scriptural. Types of Disagreements But some men came down from Judea and were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according…
Irwyn Ince • Sermon • • 12 views
The emphases in this passage on the sojourner, the poor and needy, as well as enemies demonstrate for us how the Lord intimately understands the human heart. Where are we most likely to ignore and reject the implications of what it means for us to love our neighbors? It’s with those we, for whatever reason, believe are not worthy of that love. So, the love that God commands us to exhibit is independent from attraction. It is often most profoundly expressed in promoting the cause of those the world (or our community) is likely to despise, ignore, reject; promoting the cause of those who are most vulnerable.
I Am Not Ashamed
David Krueger • Sermon • • 22 views
Why I do not use beverage alcohol, and why you shouldn’t either even though we have the liberty to do so.