(3 results)
The Gospel According to Moses
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 28 views • 35:33
How majestic is the King of the universe? And just who is the King of Glory? What is the Lord after in giving his rules, commandments and statutes to HIS people? What about the rest of the world? Did God give his rules, commandments and statutes to them? Speaking of commandments, and the Lord's insistence they obey them, what about the Lord Jesus? Did Jesus insist people obey the commandments, or did God give the commandments to show that we can't keep them? Come with the Grace United crew as we explore and more fully appreciate the magnitude of the Lord's majesty
The Gospel According to Moses
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 30 views • 48:42
Moses told Israel how to have a thankful heart. Jesus told his disciples the same thing. Not only that, but the Lord Jesus told his followers the very source of his joy, and invited them--us if we are his disciples--to experience the fullness of joy. There is a direct tie-in to obtaining a thankful heart and experiencing joy--but it is definitely not what we normally think. The Lord says, "My ways are NOT your ways." what is the common denominator to experiencing joy and a thankful heart? Come with the Grace United crew as we explore what it takes to gain and maintain a thankful heart
The Gospel According to Moses
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 41:48
How can sinful humans approach the God of the universe? This must arrest the minds of all who would worship the True and Living God aright. The Lord is plain: There is such a thing as unacceptable worship. And glory to him, there is such a thing as worshp he does accept. How does one do that? What kind of worship does God accept? Come with the Grace United crew as we explore this most important thing any human being can do.