(3 results)
The Corinthian Correspondence
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 83 views • 43:13
Star Power. What is it? It is that "it" factor that causes people to flock to the one who possesses Star Power. But who possessed Star Power in the Church of Corinth? Who are those possessing Star Power today, and why is it important we address it? Come with the Grace United crew as we talk about Star Power.
The Gospel According to Moses
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 38:48
Honor. Shame. These words carry a lot of weight. Regardless of time. Regardless of culture. In Israel, the Torah is to be the "sourcebook" to discover what actions are to bring honor to the Lord and to his people. The other side of the coin is what behaviors would bring shame, not only to the Lord but his people as well. Moses speaks of 4 shameful things in Deuteronomy 25. Strange things! What do these things mean in our day, to our culture as followers of Christ? Come with the Grace United crew as we discover what shame and honor are about.
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 35:31
"Preach the Gospel." To every creature under heaven. "Make disciples. Of all nations." "This is my body. This is my blood." Fifth Sundays at Grace United is when we partake of the Lord's Table, also called "Communion." Come with Grace United as we explore again, for the first time, why the Lord left us here instead of taking us home to heaven after He salvaged those who responded to the Gospel: That our God reigns. That salvation is found only in Christ.