(6 results)
Living Free
Pastor Terrance Taylor • New Movement| Pasco • Sermon • • 52 views • 39:47
Harsh words from Jesus?
Breaking Bread with Barnabas
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 19 views • 47:34
Redirect your efforts when you determine that the gospel is not being received by your audience.
Sermon • • 12 views
Beginning Quotation: Famous Russian writer, Fyodor Mikhail Dostoyevsky wrote the following: Love all God’s creation, the whole of it and every grain of sand. Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light! Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine…
Sermon • • 6 views
A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when he remembered that he was dead. He recalled dying, and also that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along…
Sermon • • 13 views
Prayers for Animals To commemorate the feast of St. Francis, Assisi, October 4. Almighty and Merciful Father, whose care and loving kindness are over all thy creation, breathe forth into us thy spirit of compassion and tenderness towards all creatures thou hast made and in whom thou are the indwelling…
Mike Priest • Sermon • • 59 views
The great preacher Charles Spurgeon illustrated this by telling people that there were two big dogs inside him. … And the dogs hated each other. … And the dogs were constantly fighting. He said one dog was his old nature. … The other was his new nature. Someone asked him … “which dog wins the fight.”…