(7 results)
Staying Positive #5 - Enthusiasm
Stephen • Southern Church • Sermon • • 18 views • 11:49
Douglas Sargeant • Christian Life Center Church - UPC • Sermon • • 360 views • 30:55
Satan's Three Main Weapons Against the Church prepares Christians to protect their minds against the deceiver, Satan, including devices such as discouragement, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts. Bro. Douglas Sargeant investigates Satan's primary tools against us, namely: Sin, Accusations, and Strongholds.
Accusations many times aren't recognized right away and Christian's can fall into the Devil's trap. Strongholds destroy our Christian witness.
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 67 views
Conscience. I have been told that the topic you have been looking at all this month is “conscience” [P]. I remember growing up, that as a young boy I was adamant: “I don’t have a conscience!” I was quite serious. The trouble is that I take people literally, think they mean what they say. I went to Sunday…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 212 views
Tabernacle Finale. Intro: This past year we have been looking together at the tabernacle – it’s taken rather longer than I anticipated – I want to finish up this series today. Remember back to where we started? [P] An Israelite seeking God, wending His way through the camp to where יְהוָה was. He came…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 740 views
Tabernacle 3. Introduction: what is the book of exodus about? Can you tell me what happens in it? The story of the Exodus – birth of Moses and his call (4 chapters – out of 40), the plagues, dealings with pharaoh, Passover (another 9 chapters), then on the journey, crossing the Red Sea and in the wilderness…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 477 views
The River of Life. [Ezek47:1-12] Last time I spoke about fruitfulness, the outcome of LIFE. The time before I spoke about choosing the tree of LIFE over the tree of knowledge. Today I want to talk about the tree of life from Ezekiel ch.47 – and as we will read this river watered the tree of Life which…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 40 views
Tabernacle 1 · Yearning after God May I be permitted to ask a provocative question?: “Why are you here?” We are gathering together unto Him. Coming to meet God! Is that why you are here? Is God here? Are we meeting with Him? Is He near? Let me ask you: [C] how close am I to God? We come to here, sit…