(6 results)
Fr. J. Michael Strachan, Ph.D. • St. Dunstan's Anglican Church • Sermon • • 278 views • 10:48
Today, I’m going to say something to you that isn’t true, or at least, it isn’t the whole truth. I’ll let you figure out which part isn’t the whole truth. One of the goals of an Ash Wednesday service is to remind of us our own mortality. The words that the celebrant speaks at the imposition of ashes…
The Life of Christ
Ken Richter • Soldier Creek Church of Christ • Sermon • • 24 views • 23:42
Do you wonder if Jesus was ever weary of criticism? This lesson examines the context and possibilities of what Jesus meant when He told the Apostles to "shake the dust off their feet."
Andrews N.O Thompson • Sermon • • 1 view
Human beings were created from the dust by God and will return to it at death. Dust is therefore taken as a symbol of poverty, lowliness and humility. In Scripture dust is shaken off the feet to warn of future judgment, and is also used as a means of expressing grief.
Joshua LeBorious • Sermon • • 3 views
We are reminded that God graciously overcomes our sin and brokenness. We are encouraged to acknowledge our brokenness.
Book of Acts
A study of Acts 13:44-52 taught by Pastor Jon Good of International Baptist Church of Debrecen. Visit us at for online studies through the Bible.