(3 results)
Sean Ingram • First Baptist Church of Stryker • Sermon • • 6 views
This time of year we are all encouraged to get into the "Christmas spirit," but what is that exactly? Continuing our somewhat creative correlation between Dickens' novel "A Christmas Carol" and the Christmas narrative in Scripture we take notice of a second visit from a ministering spirit, the original "Ghost of Christmas Present," to find an answer. An expository Christmas message from Luke 1:26-38 & Matt. 1:18-25. Sermon begins at about 19:05.
Sean Ingram • First Baptist Church of Stryker • Sermon • • 6 views
One thing that makes Christmas special, at least for most people, are our traditions. Most modern Christmas traditions don't come from the Bible, but rather from a mid-19th century movement in Britain exemplified, in part, by the novel "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. While this is by no means a biblical story, there are some interesting similarities, particularly with the visits of certain ministering spirits. An expository Christmas message from Luke 1:5-25. Sermon begins at about 17:00
Sean Ingram • First Baptist Church of Stryker • Sermon • • 9 views
Of all the people the "Original Ghosts" (i.e., angels) of Christmas appeared to, the shepherds are the most perplexing. What did they have to do with these events? Not much it seems, at least not directly; but indirectly, they give us some important reminders of what Christmas is all about. An expository Christmas message from Luke 2:8-20. Sermon begins at about 16:30.