(8 results)
Philippians - Experiencing True Joy
Jean Morgan • WCA Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 28:46
Paul first expresses his basic request for the Philippians (as a caring father) and then mentions the results that he hopes God will produce in them in answer to his prayers.
The Letter to the Ephesians
Chris Funkhouser • Pathway Church • Sermon • • 66 views • 45:00
Michael Garcia • Monterey Living Hope Church of the Nazarene • Sermon • • 17 views • 28:00
God loves us and has a plan for us.
Guest Speaker - Orban Bellamy • Sermon • • 81 views • 51:02
Pastor Orban explains why God sees each one of us as irreplaceable.
The Corinthian Correspondence
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 51 views • 40:23
It is no secret the church in Corinth was riddled with problems: party spirit, immorality, disunity, false teaching--sort of sounds like many local churches today. But Paul had a deep affection for them--and told them the truth about who they were--who God said they were. They were saints--holy people. But how can that be, given the massive issues the Corinthians struggled with? And what does this truth mean to you and me today? Come with the Grace United crew as we found out the reasons why Paul was able to call the Corinthian Christians holy.
How can we change the world?
Pastor David Kelley • Hill City Church • Sermon • • 62 views • 51:08
How can we change the world?
John 16:33
Changing the world so it's sustainable.
Passionate excellence - Relentlessly giving my very best to honor God and to serve and bless people
We are drawn to Excellency
We are created with excellence. We are created by an excellent God to do excellent things!!
Psalm 139:14
Ephesians 2:8-10
Those who seek Him will find Him.
Colossians 3:17
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Ephesians 6:7
Are people blown away from the excellence that I share with them?
Does my excellence in life point people to God?
Psalm 33:3
Mediocre is not of God
Excellence is not an neurotic self-pursuit to perfection
Excellence is doing the best you can with what you have. It's the quality NOT the quantity!
Matthew 5:13-16
How will I pursue excellence at home/work/everywhere?
- be committed!
Focus on a 1% change.
Doing what you can, with what you have, with where you are.
Making A Difference
Pastor David Kelley • Hill City Church • Sermon • • 36 views • 44:16
🌎 We can change the world! 🌎
• we as in *Christ followers* •
We are all called to be difference makers
- that doesn't mean we have to do drastic things in order to make a difference in this world.
🤔 How can I make a difference? 🤔
3 truths about the world around you
- 1. You can change the world
- 2. You are called by God to change the world
- 3. You are invited to cooperate with God to change the world
John 16:33
Romans 8:18-21
✨John 1:5 ✨
Ephesians 2:8-10
God says we're in the "Yes! But not yet..." phase.
You gotta change the world by changing yourself!
Our motivation will come from deep seeded values, not motivational pep talks...
5️⃣🌱 5 deep seeded godly values that God wants you to create! 5️⃣ 🌱
- 1. Daring faith
- 2. Fearless service
- 3. Passionate excellence
- 4. Extravagant generosity
- 5. Unshakeable focus on the future
Before you "DO" you gotta first "BE"
Only embracing these values will only create a shelf life. The