(3 results)
Why I am a Christian
Dustin Burdin • Sermon • • 9 views • 25:31
In this lesson we look at common objections to the resurrection of Jesus as being the answer to the known historical facts.
Dustin Burdin • Sermon • • 32 views • 44:44
How can we know the resurrection of Jesus really happened? What evidences can we look to? We can look at Paul's argument in 1 Corinthians 15, as well as supplemental historical data, to make a valid case for the reality of the resurrection of Jesus.
Pastor John Tindall • Sermon • • 26 views
1 CORINTHIANS 15 The Gospel's Invincible Evidence There are a few organs in your body that you can live without, apparently. Melissa, my daughter-in-law, in common with others of you, is living without her gall bladder. You can live without your appendix, your tonsils, your spleen, various other bits…