(5 results)
Terry Ellis • Sermon • • 13 views
Now let me sing to my Well-beloved A song of my Beloved regarding His vineyard: My Well-beloved has a vineyard On a very fruitful hill. He dug it up and cleared out its stones, And planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst, And also made a winepress in it; So He expected it to…
Living Your Faith
Michael Licina Jr. • Sermon • • 21 views
When we boast, we defy God's authority and commit evil.
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 47 views
El libro de Proverbios es una colección de consejos sabios escritos principalmente por Salomón, uno de los hombres más sabios de toda la historia. A través de ellos, Dios nos instruye al hombre en como vivir sabiamente, de tal manera que nuestras acciones sean agradables a Él y resulten en beneficio…
Current Events
Anthony D. Krones • Sermon • • 26 views
When It Seems Like Evil Is Winning
Standing in GOD's Grace Amidst Suffering
Laron Evans • Sermon • • 212 views
We have been studying how GOD’s grace sustains us amidst suffering or trying circumstances. We have reviewed the blessings GOD’s grace has brought on our lives, and who we’ve become due to his grace. These blessings of hope are the foundation of our encouragement when we’re experiencing trying times.…