(17 results)
Prayer That Works
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 81 views • 43:42
Do any of you ever wonder if God is paying attention to you when you pray? A 5-year-old said grace at family dinner one night. “Dear God, thank you for these pancakes.” When he finished his prayer, his parents looked curiously at him and asked him why he thanked God for pancakes when they were having…
Pastor Jon Vincent • First Baptist Church of Kewanee • Sermon • • 13 views • 35:47
Pastor Jon Vincent • First Baptist Church of Kewanee • Sermon • • 23 views • 32:35
Advent According To Luke
Jeremy Norton • Mountainview Church Whitehorse • Sermon • • 223 views • 30:01
At Christmas, there's always that one family member who takes forever to open their gifts. They delicately untie each ribbon. They strategically pull off each piece of tape. Then they carefully unfold the wrapping paper. Everyone else is thinking (or saying), "Open it already!" This week, we learn about Simeon, a man who knew how to wait. Simeon waited on God's greater promise of the coming Messiah, but also a specific promise to him; that he would see the Christ before he saw death.
Hello - My Name is Jesus
Chris Spenner, M.Min. • Sermon • • 13 views
Matthew 5 - Sermon on the Mount READY TO MEET JESUS? HERE HE IS, THE MESSIAH! Oh.... Jesus’ Expectations READ: Matthew 5:13-17 , 20 - foundational for us INTRO: Set the tone Jesus was just tempted, 40 days in wilderness - relied on God’s Word ( Matt 4 ) Last heard from God through Malachi, prior to JTB…
Home Front Devotionals
Jeff Backfisch • Sermon • • 12 views
Intro The Home Front presents mission work as if it’s a battle field, which pastor has told us a number of times it is. Tonight we are going to talk about the greatest weapon in a Christian’s arsenal… prayer! And not just prayer but expectant prayer. What’s the difference? In your handout it tells a…
Book of Acts
Pastor Bart Leger • Faith Bible Church of Lake Charles • Sermon • • 5 views
Watch or listen as Pastor Leger explores the transformative power of expectant worship. Learn from Cornelius' story how anticipation, enthusiasm, and excitement in worship can lead to profound encounters with God. This sermon guides you to enhance your worship experience and deepen your connection with God.
Faith and Family: The Return of Christ
Joseph Estes • Sermon • • 3 views
The Day is Coming Satan is released To lurk among the nations And raise an army The Day is Coming Enemies approach To wage war against the saints And to quench the light The Day is Coming Heavens torn open Hail, fire, and sulfur pour down To defend God’s name The Day is Coming His priests are rescued…
Journey Through The Gospels
Daren Blomerth • Sermon • • 3 views
BE READY! A FAITHFUL SERVANT IS ALWAYS READY! 34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 35 “Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, 36 and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast, so that they may open the door to him at once when…
Finish Line Faith - 2 Timothy
Chris Collier • Sermon • • 1 view
Sermon Outline Our Mission - Make Disciples Our Misery - Expect Tough Times Our Motivation - We Win in the End Intro/Review : How you finish is more important than how you start your race…and my prayer is that each of us will be challenged and encouraged to finish strong. 2 Timothy 4:6–8 (NIV) 6 For…
A Few of My Favourite Things
Dan Wood • Sermon • • 3,335 views
As my final sermon in this church I encourage the people to expect great things from God, Expect to work hard for God, Expect all generations to benefit
Daniel Aguilera • Sermon • • 89 views
You usually get what you expect.
What are you preparing for? What are you expecting?
Mark A Pryor • Sermon • • 6 views
It’s time for the church to go deeper in consecration, faith, and expectancy! And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their…
Parables of Jesus
Jeff Hastings • Sermon • • 26 views
Parable of the Expectant Servant
Jonathan Vaughan • Sermon • • 4 views
We await the return of Jesus as the Jews awaited his first arival
Guest Speaker
Jim Phillips • Calvary Chapel Redeeming Grace • Sermon • • 21 views • 36:34
Advent 2020
Ritch Grimes • Chinook Alliance Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 25:43
You can listen to the message here or watch it on our YouTube channel, This message is the third of a four-part Advent series. This series will focus on the key people mentioned in the accounts of Jesus’ birth. The main purpose of this series will be to answer these two simple questions: First, why did God choose each of them? Second, how much am I like them? Today we look at Simeon and Anna.