(2 results)
Sermon • • 93 views
God is Faithful 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 “Who Wrote Whom?” Just a line to say I’m living, that I’m not among the dead. Though I’m getting more forgetful and mixed up in the head. I got used to my arthritis, to my dentures I’m resigned. I can manage my bifocals, but I sure do miss my mind. For sometimes I…
BJ Noel Jr. • Sermon • • 25 views
The Life of Faith Hebrews 11: 1-7 Intro: We established last time that faith is seeing the invisible as though it were visible, and living that way. Arthur Pink says it this way “faith is bringing future things near” Faith is the reality before the reality It is the firm grasp on unseen fact. What I…