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The Corinthian Correspondence
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 243 views • 42:25
What is it about 1 and 2 Corinthians that endears us to them? Is it the love chapter (1 Cor. 13)? Or the encouragement and comfort that God gives us when we are afflicted that we may comfort others with the affliction that he gave us (2 Cor. 1)? Perhaps it's because of the massive problems the Corinthian church had and when we compare ourselves to them we can think, "I'm glad I'm not as bad as them"! There are many reasons why Paul wrote what he did. When we fail to take into account Paul's passion for God's glory and the cultural landscape from which the Corinthian believes emerged, we can come up with some pretty strange ideas when we read and study the Corinthain correspondence. Come with the Grace United crew as we attempt to set the stage to understand Paul's letters to his beloved Corinthians.