(59 results)
God's Guidebook for Man's Emotions: Exposition of Psalm
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 13 views • 46:55
Psalm is a gateway to the book because it encourages you and I to consider the songs that follow to have the effect of divine guidance. This psalm exhorts you and I both to read the psalms and to meditate deeply on the message God is communicating through them. It strongly affirms that how one responds to the revelation of God unleashed by reading the psalms determines one’s ultimate destiny.
God's Guidebook for Man's Emotions: Exposition of Psalm
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 20 views • 52:24
God’s sovereignty is outside the bounds of mankind schemes and is ruling over all mankind. We will see through Psalm 2 that man is constantly scheming against God and his followers and we will see God’s response to man’s schemes. We will see four responses that you and I must do so that we are not with mankind that stands against God.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 49 views • 40:11
In this passage of John 17, Jesus prays for the spiritual needs of His children. Specifically, He prays for spiritual security and spiritual unity of the children of God. Jesus demonstrates his intercessory ministry for the church.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Timothy McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 15 views • 44:56
Here we see the humility of the Incarnate Christ on display. This is a prayer that is remarkable because it demonstrates the humiliation of Christ in a unique way. He is, after all, God, who made everything that is made; and without Him was not anything made that was made. He is God who upholds the entire universe by the word of His power.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 23 views • 48:52
Today in this portion of the High Priestly Prayer, we will see Jesus intercession and the reciprocation or interplay of divine sovereignty and man’s responsibility.
Jeremy Frazor • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 25 views • 37:37
Frazor Evangelistic Team. This sermon was presented by Jeremy Frazor at our Gospel Outreach Music Concert. A sermon focused the beautiful message of salvation, the Good News.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 19 views • 41:18
Here in John 17:1-5, our Lord gives us two reasons that He is to be gloried, two reasons that render Him worthy of glory. First, The Lord Jesus Christ has the right to be gloried because of who He Is. Second, The Lord has the right to glory because of what he has done.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 51 views • 24:07
Today the world is still covered in this spiritual darkness. Yet just like at creation when God, in his benevolence gave us the Sun, moon and stars for light. He right now is giving us spiritual light, his Son Jesus Christ. God gave the world his son to illuminate those in spiritual darkness.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 41 views • 50:30
In John 1:43-51 we see Jesus declaring himself the "Son of Man" for the first time in the Gospel of John. This sermon seeks to focus in on the four titles given to Jesus in this passage.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 597 views • 34:35
Jesus responds to the disciples’ lack of understanding with a reality check of what is to come. Jesus goes on to share the reality of persecution and what Jesus is doing to help the disciples through that persecution.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 428 views • 51:30
In closing his farewell speech, Jesus reminds the disciples of the work that is happening on the behalf of all true followers of Christ. The Trinity is working in perfect intimacy and union to ensure abiding growth for the believer.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 29 views • 46:08
We see everything comes to a crescendo. The antagonism of the crowd, the lostness of the crowd and their simple obstinance to understand the truth in front of them. In this passage, Jesus boldly declares what makes him distinct from all others and in so doing he presents himself as the one and only Messiah. Today we will see four messianic distinctions that Jesus makes to the crowd.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 21 views • 45:55
Continuing in the Gospel of John we come to chapter 7 where we find Jesus' brothers trying to coerce him into going to Jerusalem for the wrong reasons. Jesus quickly reminds them that he operates on the Heavenly Father's timetable.
Jeremy Frazor • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 34 views • 47:36
Jeremy Frazor from the the Frazor Evangelistic Team communicates the reality that all mankind will face. Two appointments that we will keep.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 24 views • 51:42
The Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd alone is uniquely qualified to fulfill this role. He is set a part from all others.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 44 views • 50:18
Many in this world view God as callous, harsh and not loving. But as we look at this passage in John, we see the beauty of God's sovereignty and in unity with his love and compassion combine to bring great comfort to those around Jesus. God wants you to recognize that in your trials and loss in this life, He is continuing to pour out his love and goodness to us.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 106 views • 44:07
In John 1:35-42 we find Jesus once again crossing paths with John the Baptist, but this time Jesus has a conversation with some followers.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 29 views • 43:10
In John 1:29-34 we see John the Baptist continues to proclaim the Messiah. John the Baptist points his listeners to Jesus of Nazareth is the the Messiah.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 18 views • 55:40
We will look at part one of the two types of disciples that Jesus was interacting with: The unbelieving disciples and the true disciples. We will focus our attention on the description given to an unbelieving disciple. We will see seven descriptions of the unbelieving disciple in this passage.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 37 views • 44:35
Jesus is doing great signs and miracles. People are seeing it first hand and refusing to believe. Matter of fact we get a glimpse into the hearts of men and the power of sin over mankind. We get to see the blindness in all of men’s hearts. The Apostle John gives a window in the mind of the world and its desires to stop truth.
Dustin Van Wyk • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 30 views • 40:32
Dustin Van Wyk was a summer intern. He is beginning his senior year in college and God has placed in him the desire for the pastoral office. He presented the first four beatitudes in this sermon.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 32 views • 42:21
As we look at the irony that the Apostle John uses in this passage, we are going to find that God’s Word directs us to see Jesus on display, but also we see some precious application for us today in our Christian service to King Jesus. This entire passage is one of irony. It points us to Jesus the Ironic King. Jesus is worthy to be extravagantly anointed as king on a throne but loving enough to be prepared for death on a cross.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 115 views • 36:45
In John 1:19-28 we get a glimpse into the ministry of John the Baptist. The ministry role of John Baptist provides for believers an example of how to proclaim Christ.
God in Everyday Life: Exposition of the Book of Ruth
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 23 views • 1:03:58
What brings about grace that is overflowing? We look at Boaz and Ruth and we see the rich grace of God present in their lives. We ought see that and proclaim I want that same rich grace that comes from the hand of God.
He Dwelt Among Us: Exposition of the Gospel of John
Tim McPhillips • Faith Baptist Church of Roseville • Sermon • • 37 views • 45:34
Here in this passage, we will get picture of the traits that make of up a true believer of God. It is easy to say you believe God, and there maybe some here who are convinced that others are a child of God simply because you love them and you witnessed some experience in the past where that individual proclaimed Christ. By contrasting the Pharisees with this blind man, we will 5 traits of a true believer in his or her relationship to the truth.