(9 results)
Series in Psalms
Pastor Bart Leger • Sermon • • 227 views • 26:12
What are you doing with your life? Where will you go after life is past? God wants to guide us through this life. Listen as Pastor Leger teaches on the Psalmist's questions about direction and destination.
The Book of Acts
Jim Harris • Beulah Baptist Church • Sermon • • 33 views • 34:23
“What does this mean?” Peter takes opportunity to answer this question and address the scoffers’ claims by teaching that God raised Jesus up, whom the men of Israel crucified, showing Him to be both Lord and Christ.
The Gospel of Luke
Dr. Greg Little • Sermon • • 5 views • unknown
Luke 23:1-5 Theme: The Death of Jesus Key verse: v.7 56 verses; 1,117 words Grade level: 3.6 Outline: I. Jesus is Condemned by the Judge. Vs. 1-25 II. Jesus is Crucified by the Jews. Vs. 26-49 III. Jesus is Claimed by Joseph. Vs. 50-56 When hated rivals start getting together there is always a common…
The Gospel of Luke
Dr. Greg Little • Sermon • • 53 views • unknown
Theme: Fault finders find fault with the message, the messenger, the marketplace, and even the Messiah.
Purpose: To expose people to their own heart if they are a fault finder.
Galatians Series: Freedom Through Christ
LaCedric D Williams • Sermon • • 88 views
To learn how to help fallen and hurting belivers.
Latin Mass 2021
Rev. Brendan McGrath • Sermon • • 44 views • 8:40
If we wish to life Life in the Spirit, then we must overcome our faults, particularly our predominant fault. We identify it by prayer and sincere self-examination. We fight against it by prayer, the particular examen, and a sanction.
Rev. Leonard Reiss • Sermon • • 3 views
As Christians, we are assured that our Lord is over all and will accomplish His purposes according to His plan.
Latin Mass 2022
Rev. Brendan McGrath • Sermon • • 7 views • 12:12
PRESENTATION: Why this knowledge is necessary. This week we consider the second necessary interior means of perfection, the Knowledge of God and the Knowledge of Self; since it is quite a large topic, we will launch right into it. Since perfection ultimately consists in the union of the soul with God,…
Robert D. Adams • Sermon • • 7 views
Rom.4:1-8; Ps. 1:1-6………….Notes on file/6/4/06 Cf…man who owned Rolls Royce, trip to Europe, car on boat, car trouble, called, mechanic flew in, later called to see what owed…”No record of any Rolls Royce breaking down.” God has no record of the failures of His own…that is justification Paul now shows…