(3 results)

Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 156 views • 29:41
Since the beginning of this year. We have looked at the book of Matthew. We began with the genealogy of Jesus and these next two weeks we are looking at the ending of the life that Jesus spent here on earth. Next Sunday is Easter and we will look at the Resurrection and what Jesus said to us as He was…
Acts: Providence and Proclamation
Joel Hayworth • Sermon • • 37 views
Introduction Who here has ever been on the receiving end of some good advice? Maybe it was advice from a parent about a decision you were contemplating. Perhaps it was advice from a good friend about a relationship or job opportunity. Praise the Lord for people who give us good, solid advice! Think about…

Acts of the Apostles
Chris Noggle • Calvary Baptist Church • Sermon • • 18 views • unknown