(7 results)
Kenneth P. McCaulley • Sermon • • 1,134 views
Isa. 52:1-12 Introduction: The book of Isaiah has been called the gospel according to Isaiah. Isaiah himself has been called the evangelical prophet, the prince of prophets, and the fifth evangelist. The book of Isaiah is a treasure trove of history, doctrine, and prophecy. The book sets forth every…
Kenneth P. McCaulley • Sermon • • 96 views
Philippians 1:9-11 Introduction: I'd like to start off with a brief survey about goals. Where would you like to be in, say, a year? Five years? Ten? Not in your job, your housing, or any other material area. Where would you like to be in your spiritual life? I'm going to give some descriptions, and you…
Kenneth P. McCaulley • Sermon • • 377 views
Psalm 56:3 Introduction: Picture this scene – it is about an hour after OU has just demolished Texas. A sports bar in Dallas is packed with furious Longhorns fans, cursing everything Okie as they down their beers. Then, into the bar walks Bob Stoops. He’s wearing a Sooners coaching jacket, an OU National…
Kenneth P. McCaulley • Sermon • • 260 views
Eph. 5:17-18 Introduction: There is a lot said about the filling of the Holy Spirit. Opinions vary from the sublime to the ridiculous about what is meant by this term. You’ve heard some, I’m sure, so we won’t linger on strange ideas. Now, since there are so many ideas floating around, I want to be very…
Kenneth P. McCaulley • Sermon • • 45 views
1 Sam. 9:27-10:13 Introduction: Have you ever wished for opportunities for Christian service? Have you ever heard opportunities announced and thought, “I wish I could do that,” or, “I could never do that!” Or perhaps you’ve started some work, only to lose hope as the situation began to feel impossible.…
Kenneth P. McCaulley • Sermon • • 20 views
Three Forgotten Perfections of God Psalm 113 Introduction: This message will, in all honesty, go against the prevailing wisdom regarding the makeup of a successful sermon today. If you were to read the fashionable books on powerful preaching, they would tell you to speak to the felt needs of the people.…
Kenneth P. McCaulley • Sermon • • 60 views
Danger! Bridge Out! Ezek. 22:23-31 Introduction: Let’s take a moment to set the context for our passage. It is the time of the last kings of Judah. King Josiah had tried to institute reforms in the land but by this time the idolatry of the people ran too deep. Josiah fell in battle in the Valley of Megiddo,…