(12 results)
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 29 views
Paul continues to deal with two main issues: Election and Rejection. There is a right way and a wrong way to react to these issues. The wrong way is to blame God and accuse Him of injustice, while the correct way is to submit to His wisdom as displayed through His Sovereign election. In this sermon, we discuss God's Sovereign Choice and how it should impact the way we think as believers.
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 16 views
We continue to travel through Romans chapter 10, and once again look at the contrast between righteousness through faith and righteousness through works of the Law. Before being too hard on Israel for not seeing it, we must be mindful that many today are just as blind.
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 19 views
Jesus Christ Himself was the stumbling block that the Apostle Paul references regarding the Jewish people's rejection of the Messiah. Their rejection of Christ, however, reveals a very serious matter; they rejected the simplicity of the Gospel. No works of man will ever be the catalyst for God extending His hand of salvation toward the sinner, as everything has been provided through Jesus Christ. What does this mean for people today who rely on their religious observances?
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 32 views
As we close Romans 10, we learn that what God is doing is bigger than us. Being believers, one could become trapped in the same mindset as those in ancient Israel who had too narrow a focus. How do we prevent ourselves from developing that same kind of tunnel vision? By understanding the text.
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 16 views
Many ask the wrong question when it comes to the 'why', 'what' and 'how' God acts. Often, those questions become accusatory and there is a demand made that the infinite God Who is Holy and wise, must conform to the understanding of the finite who is sinful and selfish. This week, we tackle this and more as we look at Romans 9:12-16.
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 24 views
Israel had complete access to the Scriptures which revealed that the Messiah was coming to save them and all (without distinction) nations of the earth - yet they were blind. They rejected the truth for their feeling of privilege, and sadly many in the church today do the same. How do we overcome this? By getting our noses back into the Scriptures and unpacking the truth.
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 25 views
Many think that the sin of Sodom was simply sexual immorality, but it goes much deeper than that. Sodom's sin was pride, abundance, ease and boredom - which led to all sorts of corruption and the committing of abominable deeds. Once we understand this reality, we can clearly see Sodom in our own backyards and must look to God's Word for guidance.
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 40 views
We can learn a lot from the Jews. For one, they were trusting in a false religion and by doing so, rejected the very Messiah who they had been longing for. There are many today who are doing the same. How should we respond? We pray. We pray with a heavy burden for those we love because they are rejecting Christ - the One Who came to seek and to save the lost.
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 17 views
We learn a very important aspect of God's character in the anointing of David as King over Israel, which is found in verse seven of 1 Samuel 16: "the Lord looks at the heart." How many of us are stuck looking at the outer appearance of others for signs of godliness when in reality it is the heart that matters?
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 34 views
As the Christian starts to understand the concept of the potter and the clay, they realize that the right of sonship has less to do with the vessel which was prepared for honourable use and more to do with the potter who fashioned it for such a purpose. He is our Father, the potter; and all of us are the work of His sovereign hand.
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 55 views • 40:54
Many are okay with God being Who He is according to their standard, but they don't want God to be Who He is according to His standard. God's attribute of His sovereignty is revealed through Scripture and although it is easy to understand, it is sometimes hard to swallow.
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Men's Group • Sermon • • 21 views
More than ever, there is a need for reformation within society's idea of Biblical manhood. Christian men; this is a hill we must die on just as much as other essential doctrines.