(4 results)
It Starts Here
Justin Ahlgrim • Sermon • • 7 views • 21:43
April 29, 2018
"It Starts Here"
"Trading The Eternal for the Temporary"
Justin Ahlgrim
Week 11
Genesis 25
How to Gospel Everything
Robert Krause • Serenissima Ministries • Sermon • • 45 views • 44:52
Rivalries come from an ache for validation and affirmation, from a sense of distorted fairness, self-love, guilting and blaming others.
Paul says if we come into Christ Jesus who has the birthright of the Father God, who has the spiritual blessing and the identity of the Father in heaven and the power to shape and save the world, it gives to us the same birthright. He has obtained everything for you, that you might be trying to fight for in your family already.
Jesus fought and conquered for you, the question is, do you receive Him? Jesus is our birthright!