(3 results)
Wade Lachman • Sermon • • 11 views
We must surrender under God's Banner to have the authority of God
James Huffman • Sermon • • 5 views
Confronting the Nations Disaster EBC Judges 1:1-2, 2:1-4,16 Ezk. 22:30 7/1/07 The world’s condition can best be summed up in Judges 17:6. When man is left to himself it won’t be long before he’s in deep trouble. Gods had blessed Israel in a marvelous way. He had delivered them from bondage at the hands…
Sermon • • 33 views
Illustration: The drunk husband snuck up the stairs as quietly as his staggering legs would allow. He looked in the bathroom mirror and bandaged the bumps and bruises he'd received in a fight earlier that night. He then proceeded, with utmost care, to gently climb into bed, smiling at the thought that…