(38 results)
1 Corinthians
Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 45 views • 40:05
I want to do an experiment. Brook, would you play a song on your guitar? As you play your song, I am going to play another song. And then, Roxie, could you sing a third? Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. What did…
1 Corinthians
Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 151 views • 34:15
How would you define love? There was a movie made by Disney over 14 years ago, with a song called: How does she know that you love her. How does someone show love? I realize that I am late to the ball game for this sermon. Every September or October, I set aside a week to prepare my preaching calendar…
1 Corinthians
Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 50 views • 46:11
When I was in high school, we lived on two acres in the middle of the woods in Northern Indiana. Now, I say “woods” very loosely. It is true that the land around us was wooded. However, across the street was a swamp. So, we didn’t go there. And the majority of our two acres was what we termed a “waste…
1 Corinthians
Jon Winkelman • Grace Church of Lockeford • Sermon • • 75 views • 48:49
Introduction I have here two pieces of wood that I need to hold together. I also have some bolts. If I put this bolt through the wood, will it stay? For a little while. Right? It depends on how we apply pressure. What if we switched out the bolt? Would that make it hold? No. We would have the same problem.…
1 Corinthians
Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 74 views • 42:33
We are just finishing up our birthday season. We have Christmas, then Nancy and Grace’s birthdays are in January, and David’s and mine are in February. That makes for a lot of gifts being given in two months. The kids have been thrilled. I am looking at the house, wondering what we are going to do with…
1 Corinthians
Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 58 views • 35:39
I appreciate the music that our worship leaders pick up, purposefully leading us to look away from the craziness of this world and look to God. We are blessed to have musicians who take this responsibility seriously. Some churches have leaders who just throw a few songs together. Some churches don’t…
Discovering the Church
Barry G. Johnson, Sr. • Sermon • • 262 views • 28:23
The NT describes the prophetic aspect of the ministry of Jesus Christ, and also recognises that prophetic gifts are given to believers through the Holy Spirit. It provides guidance on how such prophetic gifts are to be used.
Pastor Ryan Duck • Abundant Life Community Church • Sermon • • 18 views • 51:32
Habits for life
Israel Perdonsin • Sermon • • 3 views
Inspiration Gifts Today, we’re jumping into the “SAY” something category. Here’s a quick refresher! To “KNOW” something: Revelation Gifts + Prophetic Flow To “SAY” something: Inspiration Gifts + Priestly Flow To “DO” something: Power Gifts + Kingly Flow These are NINE gifts of Grace! 1 Corinthians 12:10…
Elijah & Elisha
Marc Reynolds • Sermon • • 3 views
In both domestic and foreign nations, Elisha's prophetic gift is demonstrated. To be a spokesman for God is not just about a duty or action, but rather engages the whole of a person as they communicate God's truth. In particular, warnings are given in compassion, truth is communicated with integrity, and sin is wept over out of concern for the offender. Those with the gift of prophecy will demonstrate these characteristics as they speak on God's behalf.
Study in 1 Corinthians - Session 17
Chad Smith • Family Bible Study • Sermon • • 35 views
Rejoin the people in Corinth We have spent a considerable amount of time trying to understand the life of a Corinthian. Paul continues to warn and teach us of a new lifestyle different than the one we have been raised in. He recently reminded us in 1 Cor 12 that there are spiritual gifts like speaking…
In God's Family
Andy Fuqua • Sermon • • 0 views
Introduction We’re not a hotel but a home. It’s time to unpack your bag… Gospel Communities I felt redirected to a different topic after some conversations I had this week… Prophecy: A positive and negative example Positive: Batman Negative: 2020 Election Predictions Every Christian can be used by God…
1 Corinthians
David Krueger • Sermon • • 12 views
Of all the spiritual gifts, the church is to prefer prophecy.
Dirk Blamberg • Sermon • • 48 views
Eines der erstaunlichsten Wahrheiten, die wir in der Bibel finden, sind die messianischen Weissagungen auf Jesus Christus. Sie bezeugen die Authentizität der heiligen Schrift . Heute werden wir uns einen weiteren Aspekt dieser messianischen Weissagungen auf Jesus Christus im alten Testament anschauen.…
Off The Grid
Wes Terry • Sermon • • 19 views
Lead Pastor Wes Terry preaches on the inspiration of the Scriptures and why reading the Bible is so important in the Christian life.
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 553 views
Profetizar edifica más a la iglesia que hablar en lenguas. Los dones deben ser ejercitados con debido orden.
Pastor C. H. Jr. • Sermon • • 11 views
The LORD God intentionally gives a word to His prophets who can only but preach (share) it to the LORD God's people
Daniel: Thriving in Babylon
Mike Skahan • Sermon • • 3 views
5 Belshazzar the king made a great feast for a thousand of his lords, and drank wine in the presence of the thousand. 2 While he tasted the wine, Belshazzar gave the command to bring the gold and silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple which had been in Jerusalem, that…
I Need A Ghost
Tyler Harris • Sermon • • 19 views
REVIEW Last week we started a mini series within our series We started diving into the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT. We are focusing on three spiritual gifts each week. WORD OF WISDOM This is the logos of sophias THE WORD OF GOD SHOWING GIVING US DIVINE INSIGHT TO ASSEMBLE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL. GOD WANTS TO USE…
Stand Alones
Chris May • Sermon • • 18 views
What is the gift of prophecy and why is it important?
Waling in the Spirit
Joseph Gomez • Sermon • • 4 views
Intro Key Point 1 A church without the Spirit is as helpless as Israel might have been in the wilderness if the fiery cloud had deserted them. The Holy Spirit is our cloud by day and our fire by night. Without Him we only wander aimlessly about the desert. Exodus 13:21 ; Nehemiah 9:19 ; Psalm 127:1–5…
Acts of the Holy Spirit Through the Apostles
Jeff Griffis • Branson Bible Church • Sermon • • 14 views
Last week we emphasized in Acts 11:19-26 that God is in the business of planting and growing faithful churches to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and advance his kingdom. In describing the Christ-centered church at Antioch, we saw that God establishes and builds up faithful churches through Christ-centered…
Living Generously
Jeremy Robinson • Sermon • • 93 views
What is the purpose of a church gathering? The image that comes to mind when we think about church is what we are doing right now and this location we are gathering in. The problem with that is it only captures a small aspect of what the church is. We are more than an event and more than an address.…
Joe Farage • Sermon • • 8 views
Introduction Who am I Joe Farage Pastor Blake’s brother-in-law Went to the same youth group for a while Youth Pastor in Kansas City for almost 7 years before moving back to Buffalo I’ll start, Joe and favorite activity would be playing games like 4 square, SPUD, stuff like that. << Go around and get…