(8 results)
Saga - Hope to the Entire World
Garey Walker Jr • Living Way Church • Sermon • • 27 views • 45:20
The Day of Atonement Atonement - The means of reconciliation between God and people. The process by which two parties are made “at-one” with another At one ment Hebrew word carries the idea of a covering. The sins were covered so as to not be seen any longer. The tenth day of the seventh month Yom Kippur…
Torah Study
Alex Howard • Sermon • • 2 views
Discussion of Messiahship and Hanukkah along with Torah study of Yosef.
Rev. Leonard Reiss • Sermon • • 3 views
We can be encouraged even amidst discouragement.
David Steltz • North Country Fellowship Church • Sermon • • 22 views • unknown
Introduction Good morning! We’re going to finish up chapter 25 of Matthew today! And this is going to be the end of the final “discourse” or major section of teaching from Jesus in Matthew. In this part-parable, part-prophecy, Jesus paints a vivid picture using the symbolism of sheep and goats. Through…
One Off Sermons
Alan Raven • Busselton Baptist Church • Sermon • • 20 views • 34:01
Are you a sheep or a goat? God takes personally how we see and treat one another, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Glen E Dean II • Sermon • • 8 views
So this is where the sermon would actually be printed! And to write in italics one need only slap in a / (forward slash on either side) and for a bold word, one need only add in * (a star on either side). Very cool! AND whenever you put in a passage like Lev 16:1 OR Job 41:34 it pops up as a hyperlink…
Nathan Kuperus • Sermon • • 50 views
Sermon on Genesis 37 Title: Joseph and His Brothers Textual Theme: God sees the opportunity to bless all nations, when we do wrong. Goal: to assure the Israelites of the goodness of God when we do wrong. Need: The Israelites do not believe God is working for the good in spite of all that is wrong. Sermon…