(13 results)
Pastor Andrew Manwarren • First Baptist Church of Newberry Michigan • Sermon • • 245 views • 37:51
When life's journey takes you down some strange paths don't panic or complain but rather trust God who is leading you.
Elton Terry • St Thomas Church of Christ • Sermon • • 24 views • 48:23
God’s guidance. Live Graciously, be peace makers, make sacrifices
The Gospel of John
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 1,305 views
God shows up...
1. So don't get distracted (vs. 1-3).
2. Expect God to work in your everyday life (vs. 3).
3. Trust God to guide you (vs. 4-6).
4. Point other people to Jesus (vs. 7).
Finding the Faith of Our Heroes
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 13 views
1. Faith can let us look into the future.
2. Faith can make us a blessing to our families.
3. Faith gives us something firm to lean on.
4. Faith gives us the forgiveness we need.
5. Faith makes the Promised Land our final home.
The Gospel of Matthew
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 204 views
What should we do when a crisis comes?
1. Keep pursuing God's plan for our lives (vs. 18).
2. Keep growing in God's goodness (vs. 18-20).
3. Trust God to guide us forward (vs. 20-23).
4. Trust Christ to take care of us (vs. 21-25).
5. Do what God wants us to do (vs. 24-25).
The Gospel of John
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 84 views
Some of the most important things God's Holy Spirit wants to do in our lives:
1. He gives conviction (John 16:6-15).
2. He gives us a relationship with God.
3. He is our ever-present resource for Christian living.
The Gospel of Matthew
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 32 views
What should we do when a crisis comes?
1. Keep pursuing God's plan for our lives (vs. 18, 24-25).
2. Keep growing in God's goodness (vs. 18-20).
3. Keep trusting God to guide us (vs. 20-23).
4. Keep trusting God to take care of us (vs. 21-23).
The Gospel of Matthew
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 104 views
The Wise Men show us how to be wise in our worship.
1. Go the distance to seek God (vs. 1-2).
2. Follow the guidance of God (vs. 2-12).
3. Come to Jesus with an abundance for God (vs.10-11).
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 3,850 views
Jesus is the Door and the Good Shepherd John 10:1-18 Series: The Great I Am Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 9, 2014 *Did Jesus ever claim to be God? -- The answer is: Yes He did, very often and very clearly. In fact, this was the main charge against the Lord from the religious leaders…
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 173 views
Dads that Make a Difference 1 Thessalonians 2:4-13 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - June 15, 2014 *To all of the dads here this morning: I hope you have a great Father's Day. We thank God for you! And we should. Garrison Keillor reminds us that Father's Day goes back to a Sunday morning…
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 284 views
Trust in the Lord! Proverbs 3 1-8; Acts 16:6-10 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - July 24, 2013 *Who do you trust? I trust my wife. And I know many good, Godly Christians I would trust with my life. But standing over and above all, we can trust God! The cross of Jesus Christ proves that…
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 68 views
How God's Angels Help Us Genesis 19:1-16; Luke 1:26-33; Luke 2:8-11; Matthew 28:1-6; Matthew 2:13-14; Acts 10:1-6; Acts 27:18-25 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - July 14, 2013 BACKGROUND: *As we began to focus on angels last week, we saw first that angels are just as real as we are. This…
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 3,434 views
Back to the Best of Christmas Part 4: Where Do We Go from Here? Matthew 2:1-12 Sermon by: Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Jan. 1, 2012 BACKGROUND: *We usually put three wise men in the manger scene, even though they don’t really belong there. The Scripture doesn’t tell us how many there were.…