(11 results)
Letters From Paul
Dan Miller • Gregory Community Church • Sermon • • 30 views • 34:13
Don Wilson • Sermon • • 13 views • 24:42
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 75 views
God wants us to be people:
1. Who have problems for the right reason.
2. Who remember that God is in control.
3. Who rely on God's help.
4. Who risk caring for other people.
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 604 views
Godly Lessons from an Ungodly Leader:
1. Evil will always rise when God is rejected (vs. 18-20).
2. Christ is in control (vs. 18-19).
3. We should always give glory to God (vs. 20-23).
4. We should always keep our minds on our mission (vs. 24-25).
The Book of Genesis
Pastor Randy Bradley • Randy Bradley • Sermon • • 40 views • 25:52
When we start trusting our selves in problems instead of God we can end up making things worse by going outside God's will to fix our situation.
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 18 views
Sovereignty 5. We have been looking at the subject of the sovereignty of God [P]. So often we look at things from man’s perspective; it’s natural because, after all, we are men, living here on earth. We have an earthly perspective, rational and reasoned. We trace things back by their mechanistic cause,…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 19 views
Sovereignty 13. The year is drawing to a close, so I thought I ought to draw to a close this extended series that I have been doing on the sovereignty of God. [P] I actually think that I could continue it until the LORD returns. I stated right at the beginning that viewing sovereignty is like looking…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 27 views
Sovereignty of God 8 (A tale of two kings) What do you do these days if you want to find out about something? – you Google it! [P] Even at work, if we come across something obscure and want to find out about it, we say, “Ask Dr. Google.” The internet has the answer to everything! Right? It is omniscient!…
Elizabeth M. Hudik • Sermon • • 56 views
I’ve been studying the book of Nehemiah this week. When I first started reading the book, I got confused. I felt like I studied this before. Yet when I went to my notes, I couldn’t find any thing I had written about Nehemiah. Did I dream that I studied the book? Or did I do the research and not save…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 1,879 views
Joseph in Prison. ♦ We usually preach a Gospel message when we come out here but tonight I thought that I’d bring a word of encouragement from the Scriptures to you who are believers, those who know Jesus personally. ♦ Israel the father of the nation and people of Israel had 12 sons, from 2 wives and…