(8 results)
The Flood
Kevin Llanos • Redemption Hill Community Church • Sermon • • 34 views • 50:39
Last week we saw the end of the global flood, which destroyed all life on the earth except for Noah and his family. God released them and all the animals with them on the ark onto dry land, and God promised that He would never again curse the ground because of mankind’s sin. God’s discourse continues…
Victory in Jesus
Louie Williams • LifePoint Church of Elizabethtown • Sermon • • 13 views • 39:39
Introduction: Most of us are familiar with contracts, we deal with them everyday. We buy a car or a house and sign on the dotted line promising to pay. In similar fashion God makes covenants with us. A covenant has some similarities with contracts but there is one distinct difference. In a covenant a…
Building a People of God With Unusual Characters
Pastor Dave Collett • Sermon • • 128 views • 28:49
Unusual Characters I don’t know about you, but when I look at people, I don’t see so many that are walking talking clones or robots. Specially now, when we have had a year of social hibernation which has mostly helped us solidify some of our personal habits and ways of looking at things. Everyone is…
Building a People of God With Unusual Characters
Pastor Dave Collett • Sermon • • 71 views • 37:30
Unusual Characters Today I will finish Noah’s story, then next week I will use Abraham as our focus. Bobbi and I had a wonderful time in Portland last week, celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary on Father’s Day. So good to see both Micah and Sarah, and our Best Man and my best friend for 63 years,…
BBBI - OT101.1 - Genesis I
C. Jason Walker • Bible Institute • Sermon • • 99 views • 1:04:46
Noah and his sons enter a post-flood world.
Living A Legacy
Terry Ellis • Sermon • • 5 views
We each live a life filled with promises. Most of which are unfulfilled. Promises are broken by spouses, coworkers, children, parents, pastors, teachers, employees, and the list goes on forever. In fact, sometimes it seems that the expectations are for promises to be broken. We promise to change, to…
Ronald Coleman • Disciples Path Community Church • Sermon • • 45 views
Part 1 of an exploration of the Flood of Noah's day and some its implications
John • Sermon • • 12 views
The Noahic Covenant Establishing Diving Viewpoint on certain matters: The existence & attributes of God Origin of creation creator/creature distinction Plan of salvation is by God’s grace through faith via a substitutionary sacrifice Divine institution of Family Incredible pre-flood intelligence Noah’s…