(3 results)
Author:of job unknown.
Vetella Spicer • Sermon • • 2 views
(Job"s Character and Greatness )
(The Adversary's Attack on Job's Possessions)
(The Adversary's Attack on Job's Person)
(Job"s Blameless Behavior)
(Job Regrets His Birth )
(Job wishes He Had Died)
Resurrection Sunday
David Brock • Faith Baptist Church of Cherokee Road • Sermon • • 9 views • 33:01
Gospel Basics
Floyd Knight • Sermon • • 3 views
This is the third sermon in the series "Gospel Basics." It deals with the third way of looking at the Gospel texts. By looking at the basic texts about Salvation and the Gospel in the categories of the (A) Historical/Objective/Divine and (B) Personal, Subjective, and Human aspects, one gains a clearer understanding of how pagans are saved if they never heard of the God of Israel or Jesus.