(32 results)
Life is Better Together
Michael Vowell • Sermon • • 152 views • 45:38
Temptation is not just about your self-control, there is more to it than that. The issue in every temptation is can God’s Word be trusted? Can God’s Word reliably help me and be trusted.
Eric Phillips • Everglades Baptist Church • Sermon • • 2 views • 48:29
Growing the Church God's Way All-by-itself
Ward • Longmeadow Community Church • Sermon • • 51 views • 44:46
Introduction A group is a collection of people who share a common element that brings them together. There are religious groups as seen in all the religions of the world. There are political groups, we call them political parties. There are social groups, some that emphasize common activities, like book…
These Are My People
Jessica Little • Byers Assembly • Sermon • • 27 views • 1:16:52
These Are My People
Aaron Little • Byers Assembly • Sermon • • 27 views • 1:25:19
The Gospel In Every Home
Aaron Hackett • Sermon • • 16 views
Church community is more than entertainment and relationship. it is Gods ecclesiastical tool to save His church from the evil of the day.
Small Groups
Peter Anderson • Sermon • • 5 views
Doing life together is incredibly important
Get To The Point
Kevin Elworth • Sermon • • 8 views
Interview: How are some of the ways you guys have seen the Lord work through Circles? Covid has really taken its toll on developing Circles and keep them moving in a consistent direction, but what are your hopes for Circles as we continue on from here ? How would you describe a great Circle experience…
Better together
Dustin Alley • Sermon • • 54 views
Introduction Junior Church Dismissed Well, one month down! I don’t know about you but January didn’t go by as fast as I had expected it. I’m looking forward to 2020 and everything God is going to do. I’m still giving God glory for our turn out at Cafe Real! That was amazing. I saw the owner last week…
William Yates • Sermon • • 9 views
Recognizing our responsibility to each other
Austin Thomas • Sermon • • 10 views
What’s the deal? Good morning! Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way first thing this morning, that way you don’t have to wait in anticipation wondering if I’m ever going to mention the Big Game (I can’t say the other thing because I am not a paying sponsor, we should maybe look into that for next…
Grow Groups Prep Seminar
Chris Butler • Sermon • • 5 views
Review Chicago Embassy Church to become a network of localized groups that carry the DNA of our movement beyond the boundaries of the Sunday Gathering. Group Goals Grow people in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with His people, the church. Grow people in their knowledge of and intimacy with…
Philip Dakota Melton • Sermon • • 8 views
The purpose of our small groups are to take next steps, or reflect on next steps.
Better Together
Ben Workentine • Sermon • • 9 views
Better Together The sum is better than the parts. That’s why there isn’t an “Ocean’s 1.” A team that works together, people that know each other, that push forward together, that pull in the same direction together its a powerful thing! What’s true of a band of thieves and con artists is true of Christians.…
Small Group Training
Bruce A. Ward Jr. • Sermon • • 5 views
Training on working together to accomplish the vision of small groups
Let's Build Something Together: Setting Up FBC Harrah for the Future
Douglas A. Jones • Sermon • • 9 views
We are like the servant, ordered to compel the weak and poor to come to the banquet hall.
Building Christian Character
Michael Moffet • Sermon • • 81 views
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience,…
Life Groups
James Smith • Sermon • • 33 views
What are small groups, how Jesus modeled small groups, how the early church modeled small groups, and how LifeSpring Church will do small groups.
New Testament Challenge
Pastor Gary • Sermon • • 19 views
We know what God calls us to, but what do we do with the calling? IF we are serious, we will need each other, we will need groups.
Adam Roe • Sermon • • 17 views
Introduction I’ve been doing a lot of church exploration. Gone to several churches of all stripes. Some have amazing praise teams. Others had classically trained organists leading worship in a choral fashion. I've heard great sermons. Some not so great sermons. I’ve seen a couple AMAZING coffee bars.…
Tre Clark • Sermon • • 461 views
Real community usually doesn’t happen on Sunday mornings just sitting through the preaching and never getting plugged into the life of the church. Biblical community is what happens Monday – Saturday on the job, at the grocery store, in the neighborhood, in Sunday school & K-Groups. It happens when you are rubbing shoulders with the person who lends you a shoulder to lean on in tough times.
Wesley McDonald • Sermon • • 8 views
For instructions refer to the paragraph below taken from first study. The difference is that the code for the second study - "God: What is He Like?", is designated with the word "God." "1 God" refers to the first text which is Psalm 90:2. "2 God - Daniel 2:20-21" refers to the second text and so forth.
The purpose of this series of presentations, is to teach church members how to use their Bibles to give Bible studies in individual, family, or small group settings. In the flyleaf of their Bible, each one is to write, "1 - Believe the Scriptures - 1 Scr - Amos 3:7." "Scr" is the code for the title of the study. "1 Scr - Amos 3:7" indicates the first text in the study. "2 Scr" indicates the second text in the study and so forth. "Believe the Scriptures," is the first study in a series of Bible studies covering 32 areas of Biblical knowledge and truth. Amos 3:7 is the first scripture in this study. When the member turns to Amos 3:7, he or she will write in the margin next to Amos 3:7, "2 - Scr - 2 Peter 1:21," which is the second text in the study. The margin beside each subsequent text should indicate the number and code for the next text in this study, just like the example given. In the margin beside the last text in this study should be annotated "Scr - End." The member can then give a Bible study in a small group with confidence using only their Bible and a perhaps some notes, while at the same timing teach the method to those who in the study. That way, those who are just learning the truths of Scripture, can immediately share the same truths with their family and friends.
Larry Davis • Grace Seaford • Sermon • • 10 views • 46:17