(2 results)
Chuck Jaeger • Sermon • • 12 views
John Reacts to Jesus' Ministry Jn 4:1-2 (ESV) Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John (although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), John the Baptist served as the forerunner for Christ. He was God's bulldozer…
RICK ISBELL • Sermon • • 151 views
HE > me JOHN, the Book, the Man – Part 7 March 4, 2007 Dr. Rick Isbell John 3: 22-36 The Word of God is powerful when you - Read it - Sing it - Pray it - Quote it - Meditate on it You never know how God is going to use His Word in your life… You may be like the little old lady who was at home and she…