(8 results)
George Toews • Sermon • • 848 views
I Corinthians 12:4-11 Introduction We have been talking about what it means to be a healthy church. (show overhead) A few weeks ago, 30 of you filled out a survey to try to identify how we are doing in these eight quality characteristics. Next weekend, the ministers and deacons will be going on a retreat…
George Toews • Sermon • • 1,354 views
Introduction When I turned 41, it was very important to me to have a physical check up. You see, my father died when he was 41 and I wanted to make sure that didn’t happen to me at that age. Most of us have at least some level of concern for our physical health. We try to eat properly, get some exercise,…
George Toews • Sermon • • 1,336 views
Introduction We attended a church last winter which we had never attended before. I did not know much about the church, but I had heard that they had good singing and I had also heard that some of their teaching was not Biblical. Knowing that, I attended and although I admit that the singing was good,…
George Toews • Sermon • • 331 views
Introduction I suspect that family gatherings are a regular occurrence for many of you. When you were at your last family gathering, what activity dominated? You probably ate and you may have played some games, but I suspect that mostly you talked. We are so thankful for the $17.95 long distance plan.…
George Toews • Sermon • • 307 views
Introduction When I was a teenager, the style was to have long hair and I had hair that was down to about my neck. We used to pick up an elderly gentleman and take him to church every Sunday. One morning, as we were driving to church, he told me that it said in the Bible that men should not have long…
George Toews • Sermon • • 278 views
Introduction I would like to invite you to do a little experiment. Put your hand about 6-8 inches from your face. Focus on your hand. While continuing to focus your gaze on your hand, are you able to see clearly how many dots are on this page on the overhead? Now if you change your focus onto this overhead,…
George Toews • Sermon • • 5 views
Introduction We have chuckled every time we have driven through Kane lately. The sign out front boldly proclaims, “The spirit lives on.” It is evident from that saying that the people of the town realize that their town is no more. A few buildings remain and a few families still live there, but the town…
George Toews • Sermon • • 135 views
Functional Structures Introduction When we moved into our house, one of the first things we needed to do was organize the kitchen so we could prepare food. As Carla looked at the kitchen cabinets, she was puzzled by them and she had a hard time knowing how to set up the kitchen. Later we found out that…