(2 results)
Debbie Minke • NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP • Sermon • • 31 views • unknown
There’s a lot of talk these days about a person’s identity and how they might self-identify – male, female, father, mother, lawyer, labourer, tall, short, baby boomer, Gen Xer—and the list goes on. In addition to our individual identities, we all have corporate identities. We have identities of ethnicity (say Congolese or Chinese); some belong to a particular profession (e.g. mechanics or teachers), or to a
group of people who have the same hobby. But our identity as Christians is most important
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 12 views
Not Weird but Definitely Special. Tell old Good News club story (a bit corny but illustrates a point) – boy made a model yacht, lost it, saw it months later in a second hand store. Told shop keeper "That's mine, I made it." Shop keeper said I'm sorry, son, but I bought it. You can have it if you pay…