(3 results)
Pastor Michael Romero • Sermon • • 1,690 views
What do I matter to God? ¿Que Significo Yo Para Dios? December 15, 2007 Introduction: We live without God everyday. We make decisions without Him. Why do we need Him? He doesn’t care about us? Why should we care about Him? These are just a few things I have heard as I have talked to people. It is easy…
Dave McNeff • Sermon • • 2,101 views
Intro – How do you measure greatness? By someone’s position? Celebrity status? The size of their bank account? It often comes down to size, doesn’t it? Pastors are not immune. One pastor went to a conference with an elder. Asked the size of his church, he said, “Between 8 and 900.” The elder pulled him…
BENorris • Sermon • • 22 views
7 WONDERS OF THE WORLD Am I Unique [and Do I Have Any Real Value]? Do I have any intrinsic value? Is there anything about me that makes me unique? If you put your heart and mind and destiny into science, you have to have faith to believe that science is the answer. If you put it in the philosophy of…