(10 results)
George Toews • Sermon • • 249 views
I Timothy 3:1-13 Introduction What a blessing today is. It is a recognition that God has been at work. When Paul became a Christian in the Damascus road experience, his call was not only to have his sins forgiven and to go to heaven, but also to become a servant of God. In a similar way, when we are…
George Toews • Sermon • • 1,669 views
I Timothy 6:11-16 I. Introduction This morning we will complete the series of messages on I Timothy. I trust that there have been things we have learned that have been an encouragement to you and have helped you walk faithfully in Christ. As we come to the last passage, we notice that it is written personally…
George Toews • Sermon • • 12 views
I Timothy 2:1-7 Introduction Every year at Christmas, we ask our children to make a wish list. Of course, they know that our resources aren’t unlimited, so they don’t put everything they want on the list. If you made a list of things which you desire, what would be on that list? If I told you that the…
George Toews • Sermon • • 72 views
I Timothy 4:1-8 I. Introduction There is a huge amount of energy expended, these days, on improvement. Television is bombarding us with one show after another dedicated to improvement. “What Not To Wear,” “Home Makeover,” “While You Were Out” and a multitude of other shows dealing with cars, diets, exercise…
George Toews • Sermon • • 11,676 views
I Timothy 2:8-15; 3:14-16 Introduction This past week the queen was visiting Canada to celebrate the centennial of Alberta and Saskatchewan. On one news item reporting her visit, there was a picture of her walking between rows of people and on the path on which she was walking there was a young child…
George Toews • Sermon • • 92 views
I Timothy 1:1-11, 18-20 Introduction My friend has been a pastor for many years. He has held all kinds of leadership positions in the conference and is a man highly respected by many people. He looks like a person who, as far as his Christian faith is concerned, has it all together. Yet, I know that…
George Toews • Sermon • • 10 views
I Timothy 5:1-6:2 I. Introduction When our children come over for a day, we prepare the house and get all the food ready. An hour before they arrive, the house is clean, everything is in its place. Three adults can keep a place pretty clean and then when they make an effort to clean it, it is pretty…
George Toews • Sermon • • 26 views
I Timothy 1:12-17 Introduction Phil Callaway article. Paul would agree and in I Timothy 1:12-17, he gives his testimony and teaches us the wonderful truth that Christ came into this world to save sinners. I. A Testimony Of Grace I Timothy 1:12-14 A. I Am A Sinner 1. Was A Sinner Paul begins his testimony…
George Toews • Sermon • • 581 views
I Timothy 4:9-16 I. Introduction Some of you have taken courses on how to coach a team, either baseball or hockey or something else. In such a scenario, there are three levels. There is the person who teaches the coach, there is the coach and there are the players who are taught by the coach. The important…
George Toews • Sermon • • 16 views
I Timothy 6:3-10, 17-19 I. Introduction Start playing song before I get up, with words on the screen on a background of money related images including casinos, banks, etc. “Money, money, money it’s a rich man’s world.” I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay Ain't it sad And…