(4 results)
Rev. David Seabaugh • Immanuel Lutheran Church and School • Sermon • • 9 views • 20:57
Jesus calls us to turn from our tendency toward legalism and insider favoritism and adopt an attitude of humility and grace toward others. Jesus invites all broken people to his party, and we are the beneficiaries of that invitation. And we are called to love and invite everyone into God's kingdom.
This Day With God
God's Heart • Sermon • • 9 views
Often the different kinds of food placed in the stomach do not agree, and fermentation is the result. This is the cause of many stomach difficulties. Eat at regular hours, and eat wholesome food. Do not place in the stomach too great a variety of food at one meal.
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 20 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Dr. Paul Brand was called by God to become an expert in treating the deformed hands of lepers. This Christian doctor has done more for restoring the hands of lepers then anyone in history. It all began in 1947 in a leprosy sanitarium not far from Madras, India. He was being shown…