(3 results)
Close Encounters of the Holy Kind
Perry Greene • Sermon • • 46 views
It is tragic when the glory of God departs a people.
David Hunt • Sermon • • 45 views
What will you name it? Ichabod or Ebanezer Song of Solomon – jilted lover Ichabod – the glory has departed 1 Samuel 4:19-22 (KJV) 19 And his daughter in law, Phinehas’ wife, was with child, near to be deliveredg: and when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was taken, and that her father in law…
Kenneth Morris • Sermon • • 17 views
1 Samuel 4:19-22 (NIV)* 19His daughter-in-law, the wife of Phinehas, was pregnant and near the time of delivery. When she heard the news that the ark of God had been captured and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she went into labor and gave birth, but was overcome by her labor pains.…