(13 results)
Summer In The Psalms
Craig Chappell • Onalaska Church of Christ • Sermon • • 7 views • 30:28
Psalm 92 is a great psalm to begin the day with. Here we're reminded about God's love and faithfulness, the greatness of His works, and the depths of His thoughts. This is a starting point for our worship as we seek to be the people God has called us to be.
Exodus - God Delivers
Pastor Scott Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 44:45
Lessons from Rephidim
Ship Shape: Beginning to Serve
Robert C. Beckman Jr. • Sermon • • 0 views
Start: Entice: The word Worship has come to mean several partly related things. Some mean music played in a formal church setting. Others mean what goes on in Church Still others mean any personal or any communal “divine experience .” When I say “worship” I primarily mean the regular, public, gathering…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 2 views
Introduction: 1. Over the past few weeks we have been examining the use of instruments in the Old Testament corporate worship. A. Week one we examined numbers chapter 10 and the two silver trumpets. 1. The material, number, manner and people was all regulated. 2. The fifth and final aspect of God’s regulation…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 2 views
Introduction: 1. When addressing the issue of the use of instrumental music today in the light of New Testament doctrine. A. The first thing that needs to be addressed is the fact that God has never left His worship up to the faulty decision-making of His creation. 1. From the time of Adam and Eve to…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 2 views
Introduction: 1. In the last two sermons we have discussed... A. The principle of biblical authority. 1. Biblical authority was necessary in all three biblical dispensations. A. Patriarchal age- Cain and Able B. Mosaical age—Nadab and Abihu C. Christian age—Paul thirteen letters B. Which covenant applies…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 0 views
INTRODUCTION: 1. This series is designed to examine doctrine. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil. A. Today, we will continue examining instrumental music. 2. Two weeks ago, we looked at Numbers 10:1-10 . A. In these verses, we found five elements that needed…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 2 views
Introduction: 1. Now that this sermon series has laid forth the principle of biblical authority, which should be our guide in biblical matters, the next logical step is to briefly explain which covenant applies to the church of today. A. Because of the confusion that is in the world today concerning…
The Lord's Prayer
Joel Kolb • Spring City Fellowship • Sermon • • 4 views
How do you know what Gods will is for your life? If God’s Kingdom is His rule, then submitting to His rule means aligning yourself to His will. God has a plan for your life. Are you living your life as part of God's plan?
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 8 views
INTRODUCTION: 1. This series is designed to examine doctrine. A. Today, we will continue examining instrumental music. 1. We continue to examine whether the argument “they used it in the Old Testament” is valid. A. All doctrine needs to put under the microscope of the Bible and thoroughly examined. Abstain…
Joseph Kindon • Sermon • • 235 views
Opening: GOOD MORNING CHURCH! Lets begin with a word of prayer. Would you pray with me as we prepare our hearts for what God has for us this morning in His Word. Prayer: Heavanly Father, we come before you with the knowledge that your Son Jesus is alive among us here in this place. We come with the expectation…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 77 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease My father used to say that he had a piece of meat that was so tough it was like trying to eat shoe leather. I doubt that he ever knew that there was a time when Americans actually ate shoe leather. It was back in the year 1610 in the first English settlement called the Virginia…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 24,611 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease An embarrassing situation marked the passing of a well known fire chief. None of the family has spoken to any member of his engine company since the funeral. With the best of intentions these fire men sent what they felt was a high tribute. It was a floral arrangement with gold…