(16 results)
Imagine Heaven
Jeff MacLeod • Evergreen Heights Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 368 views • 48:50
Introduction Last week was the introduction to a subject that is both encouraging and difficult to understand. The concept of Heaven is a complicated subject that many Christians don’t truly understand. It’s sad that this subject is so misunderstood, because it’s actually the hope that we have through…
Life after Death
Barry G. Johnson, Sr. • Brookfield Church of Christ • Sermon • • 479 views • 50:40
Scripture speaks of those who die lost in their sin (the wicked) are in hades; in torment; separated from God; and conscious.
Heaven and Hell
Michael Ryan Stotler • Laughlin Community Church • Sermon • • 98 views • 56:28
Introduction As human beings, we have a terminal disease called mortality. The current death rate is 100 percent. Unless Christ returns soon, we’re all going to die. We don’t like to think about death; yet, worldwide, 3 people die every second, 180 every minute, and nearly 11,000 every hour. If the Bible…
All Saints' Day
Rev. Delwyn X. Campbell Sr • Sermon • • 9 views
The world looks at death and sees darkness, but we see, in the light of Christ, light and expectation because of His exceeding great and precious promises.
What's Next?
Andrew Dyck • Sermon • • 4 views
Intro There is no verse in the Bible that says you are going to heaven when you die … Do I have your attention now? To be more clear, there is no verse that says we will leave this cruel world behind to live a disembodied existence in an eternal spritual realm with God We need to clean up some of the…
Hayden Folks • Sermon • • 12 views
In the midst of the Divine Service behold the Church triumphant. The Holy Communion is where heaven and earth come together.
Ronald Coleman • Disciples Path Community Church • Sermon • • 43 views • unknown
I. Introduction We have been speaking of issues in our culture that we want to visit or revisit that help us as Christians to think biblically and to look at them with a biblical worldview. One such issue that is of great concern to me is the notion that has developed in our culture that there is no…
Parables of Jesus
Anthony Gentle • Tanilba Bay Baptist Church • Sermon • • 5 views
Don't place your confidence in things of this world.
2 Corinthians
Jonathan McGuire • Sermon • • 477 views
Introduction Last week... 12 So death works in us, but life in you. 13 And since we have the same spirit of faith in keeping with what is written, I believed, therefore I spoke, we also believe, and therefore speak. 14 We know that the One who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and present…
Patton Shinall • Sermon • • 15 views
Jesus died and rose again to save us from sin and the curse of death our sin deserves.
Heaven, Hell and the Gospel
Jonathan McGuire • Bridge of Faith • Sermon • • 19 views
The Intermediate State I am sure many of you are fired up when you see the topic this morning and think to yourself that I can’t wait to hear about this one. Some on the other hand are like what interstate is he talking about? Is it I44 or I55? Others just now joined us in the conversation and are saying…
What happens when we die?
Michael Disimino • Sermon • • 88 views
Physical Death [results from the curse of God Gen 3] when man, His creation, turned on Him by disobeying His command. This is called Sin and Sin is the cause of Death and Death is the result of Satans deception-this will be globle through out time and until the consummation of all things come to an end. Note, the bible is very clear the this world will end and we can certainly be living in the end times God has revealed to us through His Son Jesus. Anyhow, the result of Adam & Eves disobedence is Death-Since then, every human born on this earth will in-fact die because of Sin. Although, for some like Enoch seventh from Adam who after 365 years was caught up and He was no more-he did not experience death sort of like what will happen in the future called The Rapture. The Rapture will be an event only for God's choosen Church. those who will be caught up in the air [like Enoch] in the twinkling of an eye [a spilt second or less] this before the 7 year Tribulation period spoke by the prophet Daniel 9:24-27 note, there seems to be several different teachings about what happens at the tribulation and also what happens after a person dies? In-fact, the Bible has many teaching about the prophetic end times, however some teach these strange doctrines that are taught with teachers trying to force or fill in the gaps to come to what they believe is truth-eventhough the Bible didn't say this or that. note, thereis a warning about teaching what the bible just doesnt teach Rev 22:18 Another thing, if I'm going to learn how to study my bible faithfully, I must learn from those who stick to the srciptures for truth even when the bible doesnt make clear this or that. I must study by using srcipture to translate srcipture. Instead of, like those who are willing to conjure up their own imajenation to suit their itching ears. I must either look for what God has to say about something in one verse being explained in another to help me learn truth or be care when looking at others work on the topic I want to learn. Likewise, the book of Revelation has many pictures and symbols that are hard to understand. However, the O.T. also has these types of pictures and symbols likre in Revelation, but with explantions tied to them, which can be vailuable in understands the book of Revelation and other books in the bible.
So, what happens right after death? Whats the very next things a Christian sees? Or the Non-Believer sees? This study I will try and narrow down what the bible acturally says about death.
I do know from srcipture that there's an Intermediate State. This started right after Jesus's victory over death, starting with the theif on the cross who asked Jesus to remember him in His Kingdom-jesus replys, "you will be with me in Paradise" and that started the Intermiate state where Believes go directly to be where Jesus is. This has been going on for over 2000 years and will continue after the Rapture, durectly followed by the 7 year Tribulation period spoke by the Prophet Daniel 9:24-27 and this is just before the Second Coming of Jesus just at the end of the 7 year Tribulation period. These are but the few events that take place after our death.
Resulting, right after we die or Raptured Church happens, our Soul is separated from the body and what we see depends on our free will choices made during our lifetime. Theres a prison awaiting those who refused Jesus as their savior and after that Judgment followed by being thrown in the Lake of Fire. Rev 20:14 did you know the not only are the non-saved thrown in the Lake of eternal fire, but also Hell is thrown into the Lakeof Fire!
On the other hand, as I think about what happens to the believe, the Righteouse who recieved Jesus as their Savoir will at first spent some time with Jesus in Heaven, then after the end of the 1000 year region and Satan being released from a tempary prison during the 1000 years he will try and war with the saints once again, then Jesus will over come Satan and be cast into the Lake of Fire along with the demons and all those who refused Jesus's salvation plan- while they were here on earth living and having the free will to choose either Jesus or satan while here. One more thing, did you know that when you are baptized that is concidered the first resurrection or the first death-Baptism is the first resurrection or first Death-that means, the old man [self] has dies to sin and put on the Lord Jesus dying with him on the cross leaving this world and it evil desires. Did you know that?
Dustin Mace • Sermon • • 13 views
This morning is of course Palm Sunday when we begin to turn our eyes toward Easter Sunday, Resurrection Sunday when we celebrate the fact that we serve a risen Savior. But before we get to the joy and triumph of Easter Sunday morning, we have to walk through the suffering of Good Friday. There is no…
Facing Difficult Emotions
Dustin Mace • Sermon • • 7 views
We’re continuing our series on Facing Difficult Emotions today, and today’s emotion is sadness. How many of you have experienced at least a short period of at some point in the past twelve months? How many of you have been dealing with what we might call periodic sadness over the past six months? Raise…