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Matthew 2019-2020
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 131 views • 1:14:47
Jesus is the Good Shepherd of those in His Kingdom. He ensures we have all we need, every moment, to do and be and think and say what He wants. He is the ruler of all the Earth and there is nothing that is hard for Him. He is able to help any who come to Him. Jesus rescues sinners. Many believe they have established there own righteousness but those who know they are sick are readily rescued by the Good Shepherd, Jesus. He justifies the ungodly. While he is able to and does variously heal physical illness or touble, we look forward to the fullness of His Kingdom, when all sorrow, sickness, death, and pain will pass away and we will be made new! Isn't He wonderful!??!!!?!?!!