(12 results)
2023 고난주간 새벽설교
송창욱 • Sermon • • 4 views
성도 여러분! 혹시 왕따 당해보셨습니까? 저는 군대에서 딱 한 달 정도 당해본 것 같습니다. 부끄러운 고백이지만, 제가 청년 때 쓸데 없는 고집이 좀 있었던 거 같아요. 아닌 건 아닌거라 꼭 말을 하고, 바꿔야 직성이 풀렀던 때가 있었어요. 아니 그런데 군대 문화가 어디 아닌게 한두 가지입니까? 제가 다 알고 참아야지! 잘 견뎌야지 하면서 갔는데 와~ 진짜 아닌게 너무 많은 거에요. 차라리 구타 같은게 있으면 찍소리도 못하고 그냥 있었을텐데, 구타가 좋다는건 아니에요! 그런 험상굿은 분위기가 있었으면 제 똥고집이 안나왔을거라는 말씀을…
Good Friday
Peter Voorhees • Sermon • • 6 views
When I look at the cross through the perspective of the mocking crowds... I see myself, Lord have mercy on me, a sinner. Matthew writes, in Matthew 27:39-44 And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself!…
Major Messianic Prophecies
Bishop C.S. Miller • Sermon • • 0 views
Christ’s suffering is part of God’s prophesied plan to heal the world
Holy Week 2023
James Austin • Sermon • • 0 views
a study of specific people touched by the cross of Christ
Robert Wright • New Hope Church of Christ • Sermon • • 26 views
Christ's Cross Compels us, Convicts us, Cleanses us, Converts us, Converges us, Concerns us, and Commands us
La Pasión de Cristo
Eduardo Aldama • Sermon • • 15 views
Each of the four Gospels provides a detailed account of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross.
Jonah and the Worm
Harry Brewer • Sermon • • 89 views
The calling of God
The patience of God
The preparations of God
Sinners respecting God
Angry Christians
The Mercy of God
Scarlet Worm
7 Sayings of Christ on the Cross-Part 1
Jim Canady • Sermon • • 91 views
Discuss the 7 Sayings of Christ on the Cross-
This Is My Story
Jeremy Robinson • Sermon • • 36 views
The Two Criminal’s Story As Jesus was led to the hill where He would be crucified, we are told in all 4 gospel accounts that there were 2 other men being led to the same hill to be crucified on either side of Jesus. Matthew and Mark calls them robbers, but Luke just calls them criminals. We aren’t told…
Patton Shinall • Sermon • • 5 views
Intro My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? ( Psalm 22:1 ). Some of the most famous…and important words ever spoken in human history. They were some of Christ’s last words on the cross ( Mt. 27:46 , Mark 15:24 ). As He hung there, bleeding and dying, in the moment of His greatest suffering, He quoted…