(83 results)

Footsteps of Jesus
Jesse Hammonds • First Baptist Church Three Rivers • Sermon • • 31 views • 44:01
We are returning to our series on the footsteps of Jesus today. Since we took a little bit of a break through the holidays, let’s spend a moment reminding ourselves where we have been as we examined the sermon on the mount. The sermon is built from two main ideas. The first is who the people of God are.…

A detailed Account - Gospel of Luke
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 10 views • 47:39
From calling to teaching Jesus called fulfillment ( Lk4:14-21 ) Jesus called disciples ( Lk5:1-11 ; 27 ) Jesus calls out He is Lord of the Sabbath ( Lk6:1-11 ) Jesus called the apostles ( Lk6:12-16 ) Life in the times was difficult, circumstances were not great. There was not much hope. Many had the…

James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 59 views • 1:06:10
Make an impact slide here Illustration: There was an article with pictures showing a tragic story. A woman in Western Kansas was hanging clothes on clothes line and her 4-year old son wandered off it would seem somewhere in the adjoining wheatfield. The parents looked all day for the child, but to no…

Breaking Bread with Barnabas
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 99 views • 44:08
We can see clearly to help deal with the sins of others only when we have dealt with the glaring sin in our own lives.

Breaking Bread with Barnabas
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 132 views • 26:39
Which master are you serving, and what kind of treasure are you working for?

Breaking Bread with Barnabas
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 579 views • 51:23
Is your life built upon the sure teachings of Jesus or the shaky sands of this world’s mammon?

Breaking Bread with Barnabas
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 124 views • 47:03
Jesus’ Beatitides give us a glimpse of what our Christian character should look like.

Wednesdays in the Word
C. Jason Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 130 views • 34:36
A brief consideration of Jesus’ “sayings” that wise disciples build a strong life on.

Breaking Bread with Barnabas
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 17 views • 35:43
Be careful what you promise. God’s reputation is on the line.
Best Sermon Ever
David Strickland • Sermon • • 2 views
When my attitude and outlook is formed by the ways of Jesus, empowered by the Person of Jesus…I live blissfully content!
A Look at the Sermon on the Mount
Todd Nance • Sermon • • 1 view
The United States Secret Service is most famous for being the presidential security detail, but that is not their primary function. Being part of the Department of the Treasury the Secret Service’s main duty to its country is prevention and apprehension of counterfeit currency. The men and women who…
Bible Quizzes
George Boyd Jr. • Sermon • • 4 views
Question Matthew 5:3 (NKJV) 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Answers Answer Question Matthew 5:4 (NKJV) 4 Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. Answers Answer Question Matthew 5:5 (NKJV) 5 Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.…
Dcn. Jay F. Boyd • Sermon • • 3 views
Deep insights into the mysteries of life come to us from lots of different places. Sometimes it’s from philosophers like Aristotle; or celebrated authors like C.S. Lewis, or theologians like St. Thomas Aquinas. And sometimes our source is a bit lower down the intellectual scale like, say, the comics.…
Build Your Life
Jeremy Franklin • Sermon • • 17 views
What does it mean to be blessed?
God With Us - Discovering the Gospel of Matthew
Tim Shaner • Sermon • • 4 views
Background Notes An outline to the SOTM: Chapter 5:1-16 - God’s kingdom and how it relates to us, personally 5:17-48 - The kingdom and how it relates to the Law Chapter 6: The kingdom and how it relates to God Chapter 7: The kingdom and how it relates to others Scripture Reading Hi everyone - glad you’re…
Build Your Life
Jeremy Franklin • Sermon • • 1 view
Anyone who has ever built anything will tell you that the most important part of a building is the foundation. This sermon is about building our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Harold A. Winter • Sermon • • 1 view
After the sermon, we’re planning to sing, “Come, Now is the Time to Worship.” We’re invited to respond to God’s word with worship and praise. Matthew’s goal in writing this part of the gospel is to make you amazed at Jesus’ power to heal and forgive so that you praise God. What is so amazing? Jesus’…
The Gospel According to Matthew
Mark Edward Gilliland • Sermon • • 0 views
Introduction Jeremiah 31:31–34 ““Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant…
The Sermon On the Mount
Dr. Bradford Reaves • Sermon • • 4 views
Introduction We come now to a well-know verse that most of us refer to as “The Golden Rule.” If you remember from last week, I told you that we should study and understand The Sermon on the Mount as having continuity. We aren’t looking at a series of randomly collected saying that Matthew threw in there…
Ordinary Time Homilies
Peter H. Davids • Peter H. Davids • Sermon • • 3 views
Jesus does not criticize what the scribes condemn but rather calls us from the outward behaviors to the inward. He calls us to deal with inward anger, which can separate us from God. We can learn to act like Jesus did on the cross, to use the Jesus Prayer to forgive, i.e. hand the situation over to God, and to ask God how to live love, i.e. seek the good of the other, doing the opposite of the vice. That will create a concrete lifestyle that will draw us closer to the Father rather than live in separation.
Build Your Life
Jeremy Franklin • Sermon • • 5 views
Intro: What makes you happy? really happy? My family makes me happy. I’m happy that my girls are here. I’m happy that my son got married last month. Seeing my wife laugh makes me very happy- it’s one of my favorite things. E.g., last month at my son’s wedding, it’s one of the happiest times of my life,…
Sermão do Monte
Thiago Lima • Sermon • • 18 views
Estudo sobre o que é o Reino dos Céus e como isso é relevante para os cristãos
Build Your Life
Jeremy Franklin • Sermon • • 1 view
Kid’s Minute… Tomorrow is a holiday. Do you know what holiday it is? That’s right- Memorial Day. Why do we have a Memorial Day? Memorial Day is a holiday to remember U.S. military people who died while serving our country…. Many people have the day off, a lot of businesses are closed, & people usually…
Build Your Life
Jeremy Franklin • Sermon • • 6 views
To be poor in spirit means that God loves us & Jesus died for us, there is nothing we can do or be or buy that will purchase a place in heaven for us, it is only of Jesus.