(4 results)
Pastor Andrew Manwarren • First Baptist Church of Newberry Michigan • Sermon • • 12 views • 44:50
The Message of the Names of God's Son
Randy Radke • Oakbank Baptist Church • Sermon • • 38 views • 31:02
The Incarnation of Jesus
Robert Krause • Serenissima Ministries • Sermon • • 11 views • 43:53
Theme: Why did Jesus come into our world in the form of an infant? When Jesus came into our world, God wrote himself into our history. We cannot go back and change the past, but God in his power comes and he reconciles past, present and future. Jesus came to fight the two enemies that we cannot conquer: death and Satan. The incarnation is pointing forward; God will always get the glory in the end. If we are in Christ, one day we will have the body and the right to reign with him.
The Gospel of John
Michael Morse • Calvary Chapel Redeeming Grace • Sermon • • 32 views • 39:08
Pastor Michael Morse teaches from the Gospel of John vs 1:14-18