(18 results)
Building a People of God With Unusual Characters
Pastor Dave Collett • Sermon • • 72 views • 37:43
Building a People of God with Unusual Characters I have been using the past several weeks to show how God doesn’t always, or even often, use the kinds of people that we expect to become his all-stars in the story of the people of God. Each one is unique. Each one has some interesting character flaws…
Average Joe
Robert McClure • Sermon • • 6 views
Serving God through the generations of your life
Lupé Lopez • Sermon • • 6 views
The introduction of Joseph and his family arriving in Egypt marks a pivotal moment in biblical history. Fleeing famine in Canaan, they seek refuge in the land where Joseph has risen to power. Their arrival fulfills Joseph's earlier dreams and sets the stage for the fulfillment of God's plan. This event also foreshadows the eventual enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt, setting the stage for the Exodus narrative.
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 1 view
Summary of Genesis 35 : After Levi and Simeon pillage Shechem, God tells Jacob to go to Bethel and build an altar there to worship Him. Jacob instructs his household and his followers to get rid of their foreign gods, purify themselves and change their clothes. Jacob buries all the foreign gods and earrings…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 10 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. The brothers are a picture of us. Joseph is a picture of Jesus. The number 70 in the Bible, as shown in the examples below, symbolizes fullness,…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 9 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. Have you ever dreamed of becoming royalty? What life events maintain your direction? What life events change your direction? Now that same…
Family Matters
Garrett Bagwell • Sermon • • 321 views
You were placed in your family on purpose for a purpose and God intends to use your family whether you realize it or not. Your family was intended to be a blessing to you and you have the opportunity as a follower of Jesus to be a blessing to your family. And God can use your family to bless the world around you, just like he used Israel.
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 6 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob (Israel), has dreams that his brothers and parents will bow down to him. His brothers hate him and sell…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 7 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. Have you ever dreamed of becoming royalty? What life events maintain your direction? What life events change your direction? ----------------------------------------------------------------------…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 8 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. Have you ever dreamed of becoming royalty? What life events maintain your direction? What life events change your direction? ----------------------------------------------------------------------…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 4 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob (Israel), has dreams that his brothers and parents will bow down to him. His brothers hate him and sell…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 12 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. Have you ever dreamed of becoming royalty? What life events maintain your direction? What life events change your direction? ----------------------------------------------------------------------…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 5 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. Have you ever dreamed of becoming royalty? What life events maintain your direction? What life events change your direction? ----------------------------------------------------------------------…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 8 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. The book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible and one of the five books of the Pentateuch, traditionally attributed to Moses. It can…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 0 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. What benefits does repetition have? Joseph commanded his steward, “Fill the men’s bags with as much food as they can carry, and put each…
Jacob Allen • Sermon • • 10 views
Summary of Genesis 37-50 : God saves his family as a foreshadowing of how he will save the world. Forgiveness solves the problem of sin and allows for re-creation. Have you ever dreamed of becoming royalty? What life events maintain your direction? What life events change your direction? ----------------------------------------------------------------------…
Jonathan Burris • Sermon • • 13 views
A sermon on the sovereignty and providence of God.