(7 results)
The Life of Christ
Ken Richter • Soldier Creek Church of Christ • Sermon • • 14 views • 29:25
Anyone remember "prayer meetings"? Why are those so rare today? Do we ask for prayer very much during the "invitation"? This lesson has Luke 18:1-14 as its primary text, where Jesus teaches two parables about prayer.
Stories Jesus Told
Thorsten Evans • Crossroads Christian Church • Sermon • • 10 views
I just love hearing stories. Stories allow us to see the world through someone else’s experience or thought process. They awaken our imagination and words turn into pictures in our mind, and emotions can be stirred. Jesus used stories quite often in his teachings. First stories or parables provide a…
Giving my best in service!
Benjamin V. Rideaux • Sermon • • 6 views
7 Reasons to understand that what we need is already in us to do. We have to come to realize it before we are empowered to do it.
Jonathan Kline • Sermon • • 44 views
To keep focused we must: I. Forsake All Others for Christ. You can not serve two masters Jesus said. You can not be double-minded. You can not be looking in two opposite directions in life. You have to focus on Pleasing Christ and Him alone. II. Set Our Heart On Christ. – v.1 The word “seek” means to…
The Attributes of God
William Rouse • Sermon • • 7 views
Scripture outlines the attitudes which believers should adopt in the face of persecution, laying particular emphasis upon the faithfulness of God, the example of Jesus Christ and the need for patience and hope by believers.
The Attributes of God
William Rouse • Sermon • • 18 views
God’s hatred of injustice is seen in his vindication of its victims, his solemn warnings, his penalties against the guilty and his commands to his people to renounce it.
Rev. Leonard Reiss • Sermon • • 12 views
Instead of us becoming anxious or frustrated at the seeming inequities in life, we can be assured that God will only do that which is right, as we look forward in hope to His justice and glory being revealed.